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About Me
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Avatar since: 2005-12-12
Age: 42
United States - WI
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See My Albums (1)



Redgoddess says...
I've been working a lot of hours lately so I haven't had as much time to respond to my messages as I'd like. I will get back to you asap so don't let it stop you from leaving a message :)
My Page Is Still A Work In Progress :)

My Birthday is March 14th. Yep, One Year Older Now. Argh! Lol.

About Redgoddess







If you're bored or well even if you aren't PLEASE leave me a message. It makes me feel special :)

My newest nickname I use on the web has been redgoddess because of my red hair and well I used princess in many of my names and redprincess just didn't have the same ring to it in my opinion.

I love drawing and well doing just about anything artistic.

I love the ocean and tropical fish, dolphins, turtles, etc.

My favorite color is purple :)

Leopard clothing online has always been one of my signatures ~meow~

Oh yes I intend to make my page look fantastic over time. I love to decorate so I will use this as an outlet to express myself.

Contact Me
If you IM me to start a 3D chat and I don't answer It could be one of two things:

1. I stepped away from my computer and it timed out before I even saw your invite.
2. My chat program is acting up and it froze me.
3. It's possible I'm already chatting with someone and I can't do more than 1 at a time.

So don't think I'm being rude because I'm not. I try to answer all chat requests that I see if I can so....
Message me here and we can try again another time :)

Btw don't be shy! Go ahead and add me as your friend with the button just a few inches below here. I'll return the favor by doing the same :) I welcome all new friends.

contacting message add contact forward block
Why not check out my products while you're here? It would mean a lot to me :) This is how my first three stickers look on a page.








My Sandbox
My Videos
My Friends (46)
Go ahead and add me. You know you want to :)


Btw this is the time where I am. I am in the central (GMT -06:00) timezone.

Stylish Red Dress

Featured above is my third dress I made. Help me out by purchasing this Stylish Red Dress. Please? :) It's available for only 495 credits. I'm trying to earn credits to submit some original designs and buy gifts for my friends :) Click on the picture to be taken to the product page where you can buy it.
My Wish List
Yes I know there is a lot here, but they are here mostly as a reminder to myself what to get when I get the points :)

I got my first real gift ever. Yay I'm so happy and excited. I got the rest of the Yumi platinum set to go with it.

Hot PVC Boots BlackMikako Pony - Red3Momoko base RedDarque Daisy Wing 040030� - Diva
Red garnet hairspacerspacerspacerspacer
My Recent Visitors (0)
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Image hosting by Photobucket Image hosting by Photobucket
friendly Friends 46
visitors Visitors 1966
kharma Gifts 11
generosity Generosity 7


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