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Avatar since: 2005-12-14
Age: 43
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"Greetings from Transilvania!"

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  • 22'nd of April 2006 - evening
Marilyn Manson: Highway to Hell

Frustration is not very high on my list of things I like to feel, about 5 positions lower then Pain, in fact. And now I'm feeling it in industrial quantities.
Causes? Many.
Been trying to buy my name for a long time now. Tried, gave up, tried again, had problems with credit card, gave up again, now trying again, and I hit another brick wall.
Living in a country such as mine doesn't usually bother me a all, in fact I love it here, but here are times like this when I whish I were somewhere else.

For all intents and purposes , it seems that I cannot buy a damn thing from IMVU, not my name and not credits, simply because I am Romanian, and there is no PayPal in my country.

Even if do get my name as a present, I can't buy credits, so submitting items I make will be a bitch. Well, I guess the ones I do make will have to be awesome. And the rest will maybe will get published via Bricence, if she likes them, as her own items.
I have gone from excited to happy to frustrated with this whole deal. Was looking forward to starting developing this weekend, now I don't even want to hear about IMVU.

Today's question: Why the fuck am i so angry about things i have no control over? Answer: Because even the greatest minds have their moments of stupidity.

Fuck this. Fuck you all. Go to hell, see you there.

  • 11'th of April 2006 - evening
Static-X: New Pain

Typical of me, leaving a page un-updated for so damn long. And not for lack of things to say, but for lack of time to say them in. I know it sounds like a damn cliche to me already but I really do wish the day would have 48 hours. Not that it would really make any damn difference, I would still find them insufficient for my time gluttony. Adding pride, envy, lust, anger, and sloth to that, I am still one deadly sin away from the complete collection of 7. And since I like to believe myself to poses the 7 contrary virtues, I should be ok if Armageddon happens to be tomorrow, well at least from this point of view. Too bad I don't believe in any of that theological crap.
And just as a parenthesis, who in their right mind would consider chastity a cure for lust, and patience a solution to anger. Pfft! Apparently the Christian church does. I only know that my lust feeds on chastity, and my anger is fueled by patience.

But I begin to wander away into the murky waters of my mind, and I forget that public places are not considered a good place to discuss religion (can this page be considered public? hah). For that matter, I can't think of a more suitable place, but today's world is more afraid of conflict than it should be. So I'll stop this rant here, for now.

The three Evil Hours of Tuesday have made their presence strongly felt today, but there's not much I can do about that now, nor can Erzabet, though I know she wants to.

I've been swamped up in work so much lately that I've even had to miss the guild battles the whole of last week. And now I'm not feeling very enthusiastic about them as well, and I hate that. A good way to keep the mind sharp and the spirit bruised, no longer appealing to me. I hope this changes soon. I know it will.

Today's question:
Why do I have to spend my day designing commercial eye candy instead of blissfully wasting my time on what I really want to do create? Because I have to eat. That and I am too fucking lazy to develop photosynthesis.


  • 29'th of December 2005 - evening

Well, i finally got around to finishing the "(ware)Wolf Project" i started a while ago on a whim. Took me long enough though. I'm like that, i tend to begin working on something and leave it half-finished to gather digital dust in a corner of my hard-drive.
But, thanx to the people viewing this page and their kind words of apreciation, today i decided i had to finish this as best i could. So, here's the result:
Free Image Hosting at Free Image Hosting at
(Click on the thumbnails for the full images)

I have to say i am pleased with the way it turned out, and considering that i already have the wolf on a transparent background as well, this might turn out to be the first sticker i make when i finally manage to become developer. Please feel free to leave messages with any comments/sugestions about this particular work of mine, or contact me on IMVU with critiques / tips for making it better. Thank you in advance!
As you can see there are 2 images, the second one i wanted to make much more dynamic, so i used some radial blur effects. I like the result very much, as it gives the ilusion that the (were)wolf is lounging right at the viewer and is ready to jump off the screen :D
Once again, credits go to Christy "Goldenwolfen" Grandjean (, who, trough her awesome work inspired me to do a study of one of her sketches, and last but defenetly not least, Reisiel here at IMVU (whom i have yet to talk to :p ) for pointing me towards the Goldenwolfen site in the first place.
Promise i'll chatch you online very soon Reisiel, so i can thank you in person (well, at least as "in person" as one can get talking over the internet, anyway :P).


  • 20'th of December 2005 - evening
First, i must say that work on this homepage is going slower than i had planned, and that's because of many reasons: long hours at work (it's the last week before the holiday vacation and we have to wrap up all the leftover contracts), not feeling very well phisically, helping a friend with a project, and , of course, last but not least, getting distracted by other things, as i allways am. :p
For example, i stumbled onto a great site of very talented artist, and i am talking about, the site of Christy Grandjean.
As i often do, i spent a lot of time watching the art displayd on that site, and when i came upon a certain sketch i just knew i had to do a study on it.
Here's what i'm talking about: (on the left is the sketch - or, as Christy calls it "graphic therapy"- and on the right is the study i made - a work stil in progress).
I'll eat you! Free Image Hosting at
(Click on the thumbnails for the full images)

Now, what atracted me to this particular drawing was not the artistic quality of it, because it simply pales in comparison with her "real" work, but the feeling behind the image, the thoughts it emited, It was made out of pure passion and it exudes agresiveness and violence, as well as majesty. Those are things you don't see, you just feel them
On a quick note, i feel i'm not doing justice to Christy Grandjean by showing just this piece of her work , because, like i said above, the rest of the work posted on her site is way better, so make sure to visit if you want to form an opinion, her work is really beautiful. Also you can go to Riesiel's homepage, she uses some of Christy's work in the bacrounds of th page.
Thanx again Riesiel for pointing me to Christy's website. This study is dedicated to you. :)
I've just done the general features so far, focusing on the fur on the face, and i've begun refining the ears, forehead and nose area. I so far i'm pleased with how it's going, allthough the mistakes are many and obvious (but hey, studies are made so that it's a learning experience...).
I'll post new pictures as i continue working on it. For now, it's time to relax a bit, maybe chat on IMVU.
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