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What Naruto couple are you?

you are sasuske and sakura you will protect eachother against anything
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Which Naruto character is your boyfriend and what do they say and think of you?[Girls only!]

Boyfriend:Hyuuga NejiVillage:Konohagakure---Rank:Chunnin---Age:13---Squad:Gai's Team(Don't know which one is it...^-^')What he likes about you:Way you treat your friends(The kind way)and you're determine.~What do the Naruto Characters think of you:~Naruto:"She's quite okay....." 'She scares me sometimes....'Sakura*Best friend*:"She's very nice!" 'Well,she does help me to think of ideas to woo Sasuke...'Sasuke:"Tch....Why must i lose to her?I guess it's ok to lose to her anyway.." 'She's so hot....'Kiba:"If i get on the bad side of her,I'm surely not going to enjoy my stay here in Konoha...." 'That Neji's so lucky to get someone like her!'Shino:"She's scary!" 'I think she's the only girl in Konoha who's not afraid of bugs....'Hinata:"She's strong..." 'She's on par with Neji-san....Or maybe even better....'Ino:"She's a bit too short tempered..." 'She's so strong that she can finish Sasuke within 5 seconds!I better not get on the bad side of her....'Shikamaru:"Who's needs to be strong?" 'All people need is IQ....And then i can laze around...'Choji:"She's kind!She always treat me to barbeque!" 'But she's scary sometimes...'Lee:"She's such an angel...." 'But she rejected me to become my girlfriend...'Neji:"She nice..." 'And she's mine!'Gaara:"She's weaker than me..." 'She's alright...'Temari:"She ok..." 'At least she's not that cold...'Kankuro:"She pretty..." 'Damn hot!'Kakashi:"She's a good student..." 'She pretty and strong for a 13 years old...'Itachi:"...(No comment)" 'She could be useful for the Akatsuki...'Orochimaru:"She will look for me for more power..." 'She's a useful pawn...'Rivals:Well,you only have 1 rival for now...You may have more!She's on the same team as Neji and you so be careful!Tenten:"Err...Yeah,she's strong..." 'Tch!What does Neji see in her?!She just stole him from me!That's all!'
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Your date in Naruto! GIRLS ONLY! Unless you want to see what you would get ._. Now with PICS!!!! UPDATED!!!

You got Sasuke! He's cute, I guess... sasukexyou:It was twilight, and you were laying on your roof. You were thinking. About what? About him. About Sasuke. You had been thinking about him ever since you had met him. But you know he could never like you. He didn't like anyone! To bring your self out of your mood of misery, you began to sing. Singing, like fighting, came naturaly to you and was one of the few things you were good at. *Sauske's POV*You were walking down through the streets of Kohona, thinking about Mira. You thought that you should at least talk to her, ask her out, tell her how you feel, but you just couldn't. For the first time, you actually felt SHY around a girl. As you walked to your house, a faint noise caught your ear. It was Mira, singing beautifuly. You had never heard her sing before. As you rounded the next corner, you saw her. Laying on her roof, singing her hart out. 'Now is the time!' said your inner voice(lol). You decided to go up to her roof.*Mira's(your)POV*You finished singing and staired up into the stars. You had always loved stargazing. Just then, you heard a rustle in the tree next to your house, and you sensed a familiar chakra.... You closed your eyes and sighed. "Sasuke, I know it's you. Come on out." you say. He came out of the tree, looking stunned. Then he blush a little. "How'd you know it was me?" "You really need to work on desguising your chakra Sasuke." you say cooly. Sasuke looked kind of embaressed, so you say, "Don't worry about it. I can bearly do it proporly myself." He looked somwhat relived at this statement, and lay down next to you. "So," you say, "Any reason why you're on my roof?" "Oh, ummm..." he said "Well, I heard you singing and I thought I would come up here to talk to you, to tell you somthing that I really wanted to say...." his voice trailed away. "What's that?" you ask him. "Well, that I-" he stopped. 'Should I really tell her?' you thought. 'Of course! What are you, weak?' his inner voice said to him."I-" he said again, but you put your finger up to his lips, silencing him. "I know what you're trying to say, and I'll make it easier on you." "You know what I'm going to say?" he asked, and you noded. "Can you read minds?" he asked, and you chuckled, smileing. "No, I can't, but I do know why you came up here." "Why then?" he challenged. "You came to tell me that you love me, didn't you?" you asked. He noded his head slowly. You sigh. "Well, you're not the first." "Then why are you still single?" he asked. "Because the people that told to me, I didn't like back in that way, plus most of them were total morons." you reply sadly. "And you don't think I'm a total moron?" he asked. At this, you laughed. "No, of course not! In fact...." you kissed him. "I love you." He looked a little confused at first, but then he looked happy. He hugged you tight, then kissed you. You closed your eyes and when the kiss ended, you remained huging him and fell asleep.
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Which Naruto character is your boyfriend and what do they say and think of you?[Girls only!]

Boyfriend:Uchiha SasukeVillage:Konohagakure---Rank:ANBU---Age:12---Squad-7What he likes about you:That you're the #1 rookie like him and always defend your friends!~What do the Naruto Characters think of you:~Naruto:"She's....Too strong....." 'I fear her....Even if she was the one who banned ramen,i wouldn't dare to go near her...'Sasuke:"She strong like me..." 'The hottest girl around Konoha!She belongs to me!!!'Kiba:"She pretty and kind..." 'A bit proud but Sasuke sure is lucky!'Shino:"Well,she's nice..." 'At least she's not a Sakura without a healing talent....'Hinata:"I have a feeling Neji likes her...." 'She's like the nicest person who treat me....'Shikamaru:"Tch....She's just an ANBU..." 'I don't care about her anyway....'Choji:"She too strong and always calls me 'Fat' but I'm too afraid to fight her...." 'I shiver at the sight of her..But she's still kind sometimes...'Tenten*Best friend*:"She a great person!" '...'Lee:"She's such an angel...." 'But she rejected me to become my girlfriend...'Neji:"Err..What?" 'Lucky Sasuke...'Gaara:"...She's quite ok..." 'It should be interesting to fight her since she's with Uchiha...'Temari:"She's kind and always sticks up for us!" 'She's compitable for Gaara....'Kankuro:"She always sticks up for us when fighting..." 'Too bad she belongs to Uchiha...'Kakashi:"She's a good student..." 'If she was older i bet she could handle icha-icha paradise!'Itachi:"...(No comment)" 'She could be useful for the Akatsuki...'Orochimaru:"She will look for me for more power..." 'She's a useful pawn for me...'Rivals:Well,you're UNLUCKY to have 2 over-obssessed rivals!Good luck on mantaining your relationship with Sasuke in case those two try to break it!Sakura:"Ehehe...." 'DAMN THAT!!!!SHE STOLEN MY SASUKE!!!!!' (Inner self:"SHANNARO!!!")Ino:"Like i care..." 'Damn her!I hope she die a terrible death for stealing my Sasuke-kun!'
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Which NARUTO Boy would Date You? [Hawt pix] (Girls only)

You got Uchiha Sasuke! *purr*

A dark and sexy avenger. His 'Lady-Killer' smirk ALWAYS attract you. He's cold, and stays cool around you. Acting as if YOU'RE the one obssessing OVER HIM. But once you forgot to call one night, he calls you, concerned and wondering. He pretends that he doesn't care. But he knows very well that ...

... he does.

WARNING: Can be very, VERY, naughty at times. Watch out when he starts to quietly 'purr'.
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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

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What Naruto Character Are You? (all 15 main characters with pictures)

Ino Yamanaka
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Which Naruto character do you fight like?(pics)
Which Naruto Character would date you, and what would you look like? [[Pics in Results]]

You are Ami!You are pretty and wise.You love helping people and that is why your Boyfriend loves you. Yes! your boyfriend is Sasuke! He needs help and he runs to you. You know how he feels and you do anything to make him feel better.You know he doesn't like clingy girls, so you try not to say too much. He wants to restore his clan and destroy Itachi, and you help him train and gain power. If he makes a decision, you help him in anyway.He loves the pants off you! You lucky Fangirl!The other characters think you are:Naruto: So? Sasuke thinks he's so kool, and soooo hot...Hmph! I read his diary.... Anyway, they aren't a good couple... Sakura: OMG OMG! SASUKE HAS A GIRLFRIEND??? *plunges Kunai into chest* <---Sorry Sakura fans, she's dead...Sasuke: I love you <3Kakashi: They are right for eachother...Shikamaru: How troublesome. Ino: Her? With MY Sasuke? No way...Chouji: Cute.Kiba: Nice couple. They suit each other perfectly!Akamaru: *bark*Shino: There is no better couple.Hinata: She is really nice. They go well together. Gaara: That Uchiha kid...Konkorou: What i think Gaara is trying to say is, cute couple...Temari: Her? With the local hottie? OMG! they make a horrible couple. Neji: It was destiny...TenTen: :O Sasuke! Rock Lee: A very Good couple, like me and Sakura!Konohamaru: Yeah yeah, blah blah blah...Orochimaru: If he is to join me and gain my power, he must get rid of that annoyance... Kabuto: I think they will last. They are a good couple. Oroachimaru won't like this...Tsunade: That Uchiha Lad, with her? I never knew! wow!Jiraiya: WOW! HOTT!!!
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What do the Naruto Characters think of you?(girls only)
Name: Mitsuaki Kansei...means Tranquil AngelBF: NarutoBFF: Sakura, Ino, Hinata, Kiba, TenTen, and TemariPast: Your parents died fighting the kyuubi when you were young, and the hokage took you in and raised you as his own. You never blamed naruto for you parents death, in fact you don't blame anyone, you just put the past behind you and focus on the good life you have nowNaruto: SHE IS THE BEST PERSON OF ALL TIME....i-i might be in loveSasuke: that annoying brat? hmph she's as annoying as narutoSakura: i love to go shopping with her..i still don't understand how she can be so happy with the past she's had thoughKakashi: i think she is right for naruto and she has great potential as a ninjaShino: Like everyone else she is afraid of my bugs....but she doesnt show to be politeKiba: YOU MEAN MITSI!? SHE'S THE BEST AKAMARU LOVES HER TOO!! naruto is a lucky bastard for gettin herHinata: since i have been friends with her i havent b-been stuttering as m-muchKurenai: She has much potential and i beleive she will be a great ninjaIno: OMG I LOVE HER!!! she doesn't like sasuke so that's a plus tooShikamaru: *sleeping on a hill so can't answer*Chouji: She is really nice..but i don't talk to her muchAsuma: She will be a great medical nin and could be extremly powerful with enough hard workNeji: She seems weakLee: EXTREMLY YOUTHFUL!!TenTen: i can't beleive how nice and open she is considering what has happened to herGai: I AGREE WITH LEE!!Garra: ....Kankouro: H.O.T!! hot hot hot!!Temari: She is stronger than she looksBaku: i could care lessThe SaninMaster Jiraiya: heheheh i wish i could do some research on herLady Tsunade: An exellent medical ninOrochimaru: Hmm she is definatly interesting
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