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Welcome to my page !!!
Most of my page is dedicated to the products
I make here on IMVU
I am trying to update my product pages and icons
I realize now when I started IMVU
that I really do not like most of my old they just look boring to
So now little by little trying to update them with a new look and
Hopefully everyone will like them !!
Products I make ……
Well I made all my checker products for my
Nascar Fans
So you will see a very very very large amount of
checker products !!!
I will also be making other lines of products too !!!
My Biirthday is Valentine’s Day
so of course a line of heart products is a must !!
I love butterflies so I have one set so far but plan to make more
in the future.
I love gothic stuff and currently have one red set
for that theme and more to come.
I really like all sorts of themes so my ideas are endless
and over time you will see many many many more themes !!!
If you have an idea of a theme you would like
just let me know and I will see what I can come up with.
I also have started putting up derivable meshes !!
One day I hope to have a wide selection
for people to play with !!
If you would like to find all my matching
Come join my IMVU group called
Countess Of Naughtyham Designs !!!
I have all my product organized in themes to make it easy to shop
PLUS there is contest and fun games too!
I am a Mommy to two little angels named
Emiley who is 11 and Gavin who is 8 they are my world !!!
I would be lost with out them !!!!
They love IMVU too !!
I LOVE singing !!!!
Not famous yet but share my love of music on family TV nights during
the week
We watch American Idol and
So You Think You Can Dance !!
So if the shows are on DO NOT even try to get me to leave the house
good luck at me answering the phone lol
I am soo addicted !!
Major Nascar Fan !!!
Dale Jr Is My favorite!!!
Though I really love all the drivers out there.
I grew up with brothers that raced and built cars
I grew to love cars and racing over time my self too.
( I am also into big mud trucks too lol)
I own a IMVU group Called
Nascar Fans
HUGE Bling Addict
What is bling ?
It is a creation by Dusty who works for IMVU
He started it as a pet project and has been launched full speed
They are widget badges like the VIP ones you see around IMVU.
They got nick named "Bling" shortly after launching and
are becoming massively popular over time.
We even have a support group called
Bling Addicts Anonymous
Everyone is welcome to join the group
I started a directory to help people keep
up with the latest bling
"Bling Directory"
I am no longer running the directory.
I had some personal issues and was unable to get on to do updates.
There for the directory was remade and taken over.
I will always miss taking care of the directory.
I had so much fun doing it.
For any info from now on you will need to locate info on the group.
You should also to come check out my group
Countess Of Naughtyham Designs
Contest, Games, Product Give Aways and Lots Of Fun !!! Click Here To Join !!!!!
My Recent Visitors (1)
These are people for what ever reason have made me giggle or effected my life in some way
I know there is more people than the ones shown and if you are not on here, I am truely sorry.
I would never do anything to hurt anyones feelings. You are only missing by accident !!!!
I am HORRIBLE with memory
So if you do not get a response to messages with in 2 days
Chances are I read the message with every intent of responding got distracted and forgot about the message lol
DO NOT take it personally. I do this ALL the time and NOT on purpose lol
If I do this to you, you need to write me again and remind me to respond lol
One day I hope to visit the Post It's headquarters because with out Post Its nothing would get done lol
Really you can ask my mom MiniSuzyQ
She probably feels like my personal assistant, because she has to remind me of stuff all the time lol
Well of the La La land hope everyone has a great week !!!
Hugs and Kisses to You All !!!