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Avatar since: 2006-08-15
Age: 40
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I AM THE GODESS OF DOOM!!!!!!!!Hmmmm what to write about me well i love to hang with my friends on here and in real life.....Weakwrist is my best friend in real life i love her to bits.Then there is Nadjy we don't hang out as much as we should,and i got chelsea my roommates gf we get in to some good debates.I love to write and listen to music i work as a part time cook and part time dish washer at the same place not two different places.Yes i am taken I have been for the past 3 months.Shelfie123 is the one that has won my heart.I meet him at work and found that he was one of the sweetest guys that i have ever meet even though he didn't talk much he just listened.I love you Teddy.Then i got my girls on here first is Skygray111587 she was the first person that i meet on here and she RULES!!!!!! We have been through a lot us 2 crazy cats.Then there is LoveGuardian what a crazy Sailor twit!!!! She is awsome too i have to be mean it is my job lol, then there is kim she is a major sweet heart. BUY HER STUFF IT'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!SAME WITH SKYGRAY111587!!!!!!!!.To the rest i didn't mention you know i care for you but these people are most important to me.I love cats i have 3 and i love my 3 brothers and 2 sisters very much!!!!That will never change EVER.I am there for both friends and family so don't mess with them!!!I love to dance and have alot of fun doing it.I can play the guitar and i guess i am ok at it.I love sailor Moon i know i know i am a geek but my friends think i am cool.I am Queen Beryl in LoveGuardians RP Group it is alot of fun.hehehehe well that is all i can think of i guess don't want to blab on to much like i already have lol i just had to say my peice and now i have so yea. Pls don't message me if all you want is to talk dirty to me or i i don't know you and you want gifts or credits i only give to my friends that i know really well.Thank you.
What colour of wolf are you?

Black WolfYou are a black wolf. Black wolves are completely in their element at night, which is the time nobody can see them. Many people think youre very mysterious and beautiful, but you seem to not notice it, or just dont want to. Sometimes you can be a little pessimistic, but when its needed you succeed in almost everything you try.
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I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Likes:Petted behind the ears and cuddling
Dislikes:Tail being stepped on
Owner: Rouge003

Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!
..., Libra, jesse, canada, sailormoon, reading, Mikey, LoveGuardian, skygray111587, Nadjy
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What colour of wolf are you?

White WolfWow, you are a white wolf! Your element is Light, which is very beautiful and pure. White wolves have a bit of a spirit in them, and can be very powerful and dangerous when they want to, but usually they are mild and very kind to everyone. They have difficulties to hurt someone, even when they really have to or when its needed.White wolves are only seen when they want to be seen and can approach very silent.
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