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Avatar since: 2006-12-16
Age: 52
United States - ME
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"Hello Everyone"

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Hello, Here is a lil info about me. I am a full time mom of a wonderful 13 year old boy and a beautiful baby girl of 3 years old. I am also married to a wonderful guy (AgrathanE) who I had a crush on in junior high and believe it or not I married my sweetheart. Been together 14 years married 13 and it has all been wonderful. I live in Maine with my family in a very small town which only has about maybe 100 people in it. Its very quiet, and in the summer time its fun, we do alot of camping, hiking and alot of outdoors stuff. Spring time is muddy, which my son just loves the mud and so doesn't our dogs. Fall time is beautiful, with all the leaves turning colors. And winter is cold and snowy, which sometimes we get storms that we get about 3 feet of snow, which my son loves that to cause then there is no school. My husband, son and I play online games. We have played Shadowbane, Lineage2, WoW, EQ, GuildWars and plenty of other games and we are now currently playing Shadowbane again. Lineage2 is the longest as we started out in closed beta with it. We also play alot of family games at home to. I have 2 dogs and 2 cats. Well that's really all I have to say for now.
Relationship Status: Married
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