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Avatar since: 2005-11-23
Age: 38
United States - AZ
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Hey~ My name is Secia...that's S-E-E-S-H-A for all the people out there that look at my name and go "huh??". It happens all the time, I'm used to it by now!! I am 19 years old and I moved to Cottonwood, Az from Phoenix....It has been tough to transition, but I like it so far. I am fun, sarcastic, and slightly bitter (but it only makes me more fun!). I am a romantic person, although I have never been with someone who really cared about me. I am a nice person, sometimes too nice, and when you're nice the world sucks, lol. I would rather hang out with my close friends than get trashed at a big party. I grew out of that phase much earlier than my peers, which makes it even harder to date anyone, lol. Everyone thinks I am older than I am and I don't get it, but sometimes it makes sense to me. I enjoy the simple things in life and I admire those that are old-fashioned. I know I am a good person and I try my best to show it!

AIM= SeshyIzMe

Yahoo= Secia_g
Who I'd like to meet:
Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks

Jason Aldean . . . One SEXY cowboy baby!!

Enjoy the FUNNY in life!

   Secia's Interests

I am a movie BUFF, so it's kind of hard to pin-point my fav.'s, I love all different types of movies, some of everything...some of my fav.'s would have to be The Green Mile, A Walk to Remember, Hope Floats, Julia Roberts/Sandra Bullock flicks, Face Off, ConAir, Pearl Harbor, The Harry Potter series, Nightmare on Elm Street series, Alien series, Childs Play series, Half Baked, Cheech and Chong's Up in Smoke, American History X, Back to the Future series, Grease, Urban Cowboy, Pretty in Pink, How to Deal, High Fidelity, Basically all John Cusak/Jack Black comedies, especially the older John Cusak movies when he was a teen, he was so incredibly ADORABLE!!! and so many more I could never name them all.....

I am a "Sex and the City" and "Friends" addict.....I also like "Queer as Folk" "Charmed" "Family Guy" and a few others I can't think of at the moment.

I am not a huge reader, but if I can find a good book, I won't put it down till I am DONE! I love Sidney Sheldon's novels, I like the Harry Potter series and basically anything that is extremely unpredictable with many twists and turns that suck you in so you can't wait to find out what happens next...but then again, I don't read much so I obviously don't find many of those!

Simply Romance, Hopeless Romantics, *RYANISM*, warriors of steel, power, and glory!!, Red Tear Memory, Slingo

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