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If you're here, you're probably wondering who in the actual fuck I am, which is totally valid. Real talk, I dunno. It's kinda weird in my brain right now. You might know me as Jelly or recently Sugar. Either way, hot mess.

Other than that, hey, hi, hello, how's it goin'? Let's hang out. Be friends. Chit chat. Commit arson. Casual bestie activities, y'know? Or we could do something reasonable like bake cookies, have a Discord party, or take a fat nap together? Mmm. Sleep.

Please don't private chat me.
I will not answer unless you know me well enough to call me by my government name.

sexuality?: bisexual.
status?: passively seeking submissive.
what's in your pants?!: hopefully not ants.
imvu or irl?: imvu only.
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