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Avatar since: 2006-06-11
Age: 40 18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - AZ
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"Alright you primitive screwheads, listen up."

See My Albums (1)

Word of warning, I can be an ass.

I know this will fall onto deaf ears, or I should say blind eyes, but I have to put this here. First, do not talk to me with txt type. I don't mind some shorthand here and there, but please do not type entirely in it. You're on a damned keyboard, not your phone. It won't kill you to type out "how are you" instead of "h r u" or "good" instead of "gd." Second, asking "asl" right away will prompt me to leave. Dancing around it by asking my age and where I'm from at the get go will produce the same results. Third, don't ask for my name right off the bat either. If I wanted everyone to know it then I'd put it somewhere on here or use it as my screen name. Anyway...

I had a rather lengthy write up here, but I decided to get rid of it. I felt it was a little out of date. Anyway, I guess you could say that I'm just an average guy. Or maybe not. I really don't care either way. Like most people, I like music. Unlike most people, I'd say I'm a really big fan of it. This sounds a bit elitist of me, but it's true as far as I see it. I'd hardly say that music is my life, but it does take up a good portion of it. If you take a look around my page, then you'll probably realize that I'm a movie fan as well. Kudos to anyone who knows all of the movies pictured about.

That's about all for now. If you want to know more, then by all means, send me a message or hit me up while I'm on. If your chat request times out, then that means I'm not by my computer and forgot to put DND on. Also, I will not thank you for visiting my page. Really, you are not doing me any favors by looking at it, nor am I doing you any by looking at yours. If I happen to come by your page and not say anything, please don't get bent out of shape. Sometimes I will, but I won't a good portion of the time.

Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
My Videos

As The Dude requested, there is no Eagles stuff here. Actually, I have nothing against the Eagles. I am not really familiar with any of their stuff outside of Hotel California, so I am not really one to judge.


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"In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritus Sancti."
Cellar door.
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nintendo block-A- Nier PosterStreet Fighter II Arcade金 Guitar On Wall金 Animated Neon Game
SNES Controller Poster$. Modern Rain Empty☯ Hanging Guitars🕸️ I Dreary$. Rain Black Empty
Ambient Red Club ~spacerspacerspacerspacer
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"This... is my BOOM stick!"