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To the roleplay!

Welcome all, I hope time has found you to be fair and wise. I hope your present and future is a great on too!
Oooh were are my manners. Here I am talking about your present and future when I have not told you my name.
Well my name is Kaylee, I am the daughter to Chronos who guards the passages of time. Yep you heard me right,the passage of time.
Well in fairness, it is a duty bound job, for my family history, I mean my father did eat most of the olympian gods/goddess. Suppose the family got off lightly I guess but my father was cut up into little pieces. Anyways I'm rambling about small things. Back on topic once more!
As I was saying, my duty is to guard the passage to time, in essence time travel itself. A vast place where there is no right or wrong way, no sense of directions, no day or night. Nothing to be taken as face value. One wrong step and you could find yourself in anther era. Crazy huh?
Very crazy I would say but yet your wondering how I manage not to make it happen. Well the staff I carry and the keys around my waist alert me to when ever I'm about to put a foot wrong so it save me from dropping into a different point of time. Thank gods and goddess someone thought of that idea! Now I'm sure you are wondering, with all this great power, surely there a catch?
Well there is! 3 laws in which I must follow or loose my life.
Never stop time.
Never move time forward.
Never leave the door way.

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