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Avatar since: 2006-08-02
Age: 37
United States - NC
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"I still can\'t beleive it\'s not butter"

See My Albums (6)

Hi I'm Jack, I'm not the best at talking about myself but it's about time I change this crap. I want to make movies, I like watching them as well, I am an artist in many forms of the word; I can sing, draw, and even dance. Fitness is now very important to me, but I am not afraid of a long term goal patience is a virtue. I establish my worth by the company I keep, I love my friends and they give me meaning. I don't like to bother people so I've found myself alone a lot recently, so I've had some self-improvement time. My cares lay with bettering myself, my craft, and finding a place in life that I can be happy and some one to share it with. I'm not demanding, I'm rarely crabby, and I like to have good clean fun, but dirty can be fun too, I live to make others laugh and I love to cuddle. I am not one sided, nor two sided, I have a depth of layers physical and mental, so I could never successfully express myself in this medium. I am not one to be read about, I am one to be experienced. ~Jack

My comics They are morbid I'll give the that, but come on they are so cute ^^ hmm I'll write more later... I think I'm gonna put some real pics on here so check em out

My cute slide show

only IM me if you have some thing interesting to talk about

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Chatting

I Jack, the kind and generous leader I am have looked high and low for the funniest cartoons from here to constantinople... although by the time I got there it was Istanbul but still... these are the funniest I came across

Here's the code

/ Personal Fave

/ Just awesome

/ veiwer beware

/ Random

/ Series

/Space is fun

//The child that smelt odd

// Caulderbank

/Dumbass Mario

/CHarlie the Unicorn

/Men's room monologue

/armless boy


/Unicorn Giggle

/Mr Coo

/Mr Coo 3

/Lonny and the red dragon (not for the faint of heart)

/Target madness

/Moleman (going on the net to meet people? proceed with caution)

//Paper wars

/Random cartoon


/Taco run (one of my favs)

/Ice Cream machine

/prison bitch song

/yes and no of driving (this is how I learned my phat driving sxillz

//video dating

/animater Vs animated



/This is why you should NEVER call some one ugly

/This is where clams come from

/ vending machines (you'll notice it's creaed by Jack... not this Jack "tear")

/Ultamate showdown

/Ultimate Orgy

/Salad Fingers 1 Spoons

/Salad Fingers 2 Friends

/Salad Fingers 3 Nettles

/Salad Fingers 4 Cage

/Salad Fingers 5 picnic

/Salad Fingers 6 present

/Salad Fingers 7 shore Leave

//VD... why do valentine's day and Venerial desease have the same initials?

//Milk man

/ Scampi


/Magical Trevor

/Magical Trevor 2

/Magical Trevor 3

/On the moon 1

/On the moon 2

/On the moon 3

/On the moon 4

/On the moon 5

/On the moon 6

/On the moon 7

/On the moon 8

/On the moon 9

/ Chutney


/ Late night shopping


/Mr Stabby 1

/Mr Stabby 2

/Mr Stabby 3

/Mr Stabby 4

/ Strawberry pancakes



//Idiots anonymous (more people need to go)

/I want a girl who thinks I'm smart

//Mime rules

//Hipo noodles?

/America FUCK YEA

/Emo song

/Your my sugar plum

/Banana Fingers 1

/Banana Fingers 2

/Banana Fingers 3

/Banana Fingers 4

/Big Gay bubba

/Girl I didn't know you could get down like that

/A pirate I be

/Red dragon's club

/ my year with the dragon

/ paper bag drama


/Knock knock

/ dead parents

/how many times

// / Last people on earth

My comics

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Billy's myspace

Dumb Dino


Corn Abuse

DO you know the muffin man? I don't think you do...

Charlie the unicorn

Weebles stuff

New grounds

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Vampire freaks profile
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My Wish List
Vial of BloodRuby Sparkle Horns[Acce]BlackArmbandsGrimm Wrought Iron Gate(V) Armwarmers DarkRed
Cattyfox Ears - EekSkullFlame shieldAura Ball - Fire A RoundLayered Unicode BallMagic Wand Spell-Love
Right Tech Cuff (Female)Fem Tech Bracer (Left)Neon West Fishnet-SKULLNet off shoulder BLACKBlack Buckle Huggiz
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