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About Me
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Avatar since: 2007-01-30
Age: 35
United States - WV
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"Can you resist the temptation?"

See My Albums (1)

Things about me:

"BlutGraffen" {BLOOT-Graph-IN}-or-{BLOOT-graf-IN}: in German pertains to a creature who steals the blood of others.

~My name is Trish
~I'm 19 years old
~I hail from (was born in) the beautiful land called Germany
~ I am worth $1,382,020 on (HAHA)

I am normally a person who's easy to get along with, but if you give me shit about my sexuality or other things, I won't hesitate to fight back.

Disgracing someone for their sexuality is disgracing God by saying He made a MISTAKE! Or are you too stupid to realize that? Do YOU have the balls to tell God he messed up? I didn't think so.

I love music and art. I'm an avid artist and opera singer. I have an affinity for tattoos and piercings..... If you want to know anything else, feel free to ask me!

I am currently working on a few items for IMVU, so be on the lookout! It's going to take me a little while to get my first set of products out there, but be patient haha!

Once you gain my trust, NEVER EVER break it or you'll go through hell and back again to try to get it back.

(I have a myspace, but you must ask for it first!)

Here's my link to my products, please check them out!

Support me by placing my banner on your page! Thanks. ~Blut~