Anime, Art, Being A Comic Book Artist, Manga, Comics, Computers, Photoshop, MMORPG's, Furcadia, Antarctic Press, Ragnarok Origin, Mythology/Fantasy/Paranormal, Cats, Friends, Snuggles, Music - Rock, Dance, Punk, House, Techno, Trance, Industrial, Metal |
Despite the fact that everyone in my buddy list is special to me in their own right on IMVU, and I cherish friendships most above all else, I would like to dedicate this "spot" to my best friend, Legacy. You are the sweetest and most wonderful person to grace my life and I am truely thankful to know someone as fun, open, and caring as you. Thank you for being there for me all the times when I needed it. You are the truely and bestest friend I have ever had. Thank you for being you. :3