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~*~Hey! Welcome to my Homepage ~*~>
Name: thevampire666
Age: 24
Gender: Female
From: Norway
Dev: Pro
Orientation: Straight
Relationship: In A Relationship
~Like my stuff? Like my group On Facebook:Facebook~
Got a Request? Ask for an invite to my group

†  Nothing much to say about the real person behind thevampire666 lol
†  I live in Norway with my family and work there.
†  I love dark art , gothic vampire stuff, stay home, make stuff for people on imvu , dark music etc
†  As my rule say: if you respect me , i respect u . If u have seen the bad side of me,u know u have done something wrong and does not deserve my respect or good side. Im stubborn , let u know exactly what i think of u and my opinions on stuff..yes im not afraid to speak whats on my mind.
†  In my group here on imvu i would only like people that supports me and want to request something , i do NOT want stalkers, drama people and people that steals and sells files. Yes even if u support those people i do not want u in my group cus i trust no one that supports them. Does not mean its something wrong with u , just that u need to open ur eyes and see whats going on under ur nose

†  AmTheLion: My real life friend
† ViceRose: Friend on imvu
† Morituri: Good Friend On imvu
† Mortis: Dp partner, my male model and friend on imvu
† RaphaelDesti21: Friend on imvu that helps me with modeling furniture
† My Officers: xIPureIx , ViceRose , RaphaelDesti21 , AmTheLion
links coming and more people

Seeing someone in real life

Martha †  Lollirot †  GraveArtCreations †  Mortis †  Urteil †  Ishiaria †  baraq †  u3arigatou †  Predator †  Mendosus †  ManiaMindKiller †  cindypoo †  Polyvinyl †  Dartvot †  AnnaSassin †  Evangeline †  GrimWorm †  SinMachine † DyeMyDarling †  Era †  BunnehDoll †  CorpseDolly †  nikka77 † Bl4cK3y3 †  EV †  Hysterisch †  Cel †  Rammstein †  AmTheLion †  MayMadly †  DeviousDream †  GothicGarden †  Xes †  Vamptm †   Sinderbug †  Lumina † Luba †  dreamboy3 † Zephyr †  And a lot of other great devs ^v^

†  Support/Donation Stickers † 

~Examples of my work~
 photo newhalloween2samle.png photo BrokenDoll4sample.png photo lara4sample.png

Skintone Requests:
†  Regular: 5K- >5,000cr
†  Limited: 10K- >10,000cr
† Exclusive: 20K- > 20,000cr
Hair Requests:
†  Regular: Free
†  Exclusive: 3K- > 3,000cr
Avatar Dp Requests:
†  You Get 6 of the same dp: 20K- >20,000cr
Text Sticker Requests:
†  Regular: Free
†  Limited: 1K- >1,000cr
†  Exclusive: 2K- > 2,000cr
~*~Feel Free to join my group (message me and u will get an invite)~*~
!Post your request in my group, Do not message me! Unless you got a question about your request
~*~Retro Glasses & Avril Hair! ~*~

~*~Hey! Welcome to my Homepage ~*~>
Name: thevampire666
Age: 24
Gender: Female
From: Norway
Dev: Pro
Orientation: Straight
Relationship: In A Relationship
~Like my stuff? Like my group On Facebook:Facebook~
Got a Request? Ask for an invite to my group

†  No Begging.
†  Don't be rude.
†  Drama free zone.
†  I do not chat on the client.
†  Respect me, and i respect you.
†  I Do not add people i dont know.
†  Use creator center for developing, not me.
† Please do NOT ask me what I am wearing in the product pictures

My Badges
About my badge! From now on i do NOT revoke the badge if u dont want it! if u go and get it on my HP then u are STUCK with it ! end of story
Information: I am now selling heads in my group! so if u are interested, just ask for an invite :] -If you place my badge in your top ten you will automatically get a group invite (if im not on vacation etc)
Get this badge thevampire666

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