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fun, Dance, People, Developer, woman, music, girls, Hacking, Computers, CLUB, leo, United Kingdom, uk, Programing, taunton, somerset, bangerraceing, bangers
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Avatar since: 08/02/06

Age: 47
United Kingdom
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Hi, welcome to the world of the doDJe
Hello all welcome to The DoDJer AKA DJ Dodger. About me well im a small time DJ runing a local Disco in the uk Taunton also i have a hunger for danger as i take part in Banger raceing AKA distruction derby racing. In what time i have left i love to hack programs and manipulate software for fun so here i am having a go at IMVU hehe. Well as for the rest of me im free and single cause i've had a cople of bad relationships and to be honist with you girls scare the hell out of me and i find them hard to understand hehe :) but maby i can find someone i can trust one day. Anyway i'm going to start setting up my page and then i will be having a go at this developers thing so without further adue let me get my polygons on and start modleing my chicken mesh hehe.
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