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Avatar since: 09/01/14

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☽🎶The Pillowside Person-Hu Yanbin🎶☾
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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Special Someone
My Dearest Kazuyoshi,

My Darling Inkyubasu,

You are my savior from all whom have hurt me in the past. You are the only one who has ever been placed here and I do so with love, loyalty, happiness, honor, and more. You have shown me my true self and my feelings will grow more for you everyday. I can't wait to be your future and start our destiny together. You are my Eternal Love Of Dream. You are my true Dijun.

Your Kitten, FireStarter, Shapeshifter, Xiobaby

Xiobai FireHeart
(Future Mrs FireHeartYagami)
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