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!YN Little Orange Dress!YN Little Yellow Dress!YN Little Black Dress!YN Little Blue Dress!YN Delite Orange :Light!YN Delite Orange
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Avatar since: 05/29/08

Age: 35
United States - CA
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Relationship Status: Single

Alright, I'm getting really tired of people trying to add me. If I don't know you, I won't add you, get the picture!? If you're here to spam my page with stupid messages of how you're jealous of my shit, get your own bitch. Don't like me? Then leave! For all of those just passin by showin some luv, it's more than welcome, but all those haters can leave from where they came from.
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Spoil me? If you get me something, thanks (;
I'll return the favor if I have sum cr but I usually don't buy any, so this is more of me keeping track of what I wanna buy :P
!P! brwn+blnd v2 Dennise!P! Derivable Dennise!Elf! Brown Eyes*S Never TShirt w/t-Sx: HILA . Chocolate
MILLA Painstream.E™|Chroma Heels[Toggle|Necklace|v1}Gold[DiiamondStud|H0ops}v1[Denim|Jeans|v2}Goldwash
|ven|! meet Bob.Wet Tee Shirt - USA[Denim|Jeans|v2}wash1BH[Toggle|Necklace|v1}Silvm.. Saemi Black
[CX].so0{Retro}Fit.[CX].RetroForever Pumps.[CX].RetroForever Fit.-BA- Lumination Light{O}Smexy Slim Tank White

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