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You Are 20% Boyish and 80% Girlish
Even if you're not a girl, you're very feminine.
You're in touch with your feelings, and your heart rules you.
A bit of a emotional roller coaster, one moment you're up and the next you're down.
But no matter what, you try to be as cute and perky as possible.

Magical Cratures!!
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You scored as Fairy

You scored as a FAIRY. A very mischevious and cheeky species, you never let things get you down. Trusting everyone and everything means you usually end up in trouble, but your true friends always get you through it. Fairies make unbreakable bonds with the people they love.











Xiaolin Dragon Exam
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You scored as Dragon of Water

You are the Dragon of Water. You are very wise, and steadfast in your beliefs. You take after Grand Master Omi, Wudai Dragon of Water.

Dragon of Water


Dragon of Steel


Dragon of Fire


Dragon of Earth


Dragon of Air

What Mythical Creature are you?
Your Result: Elf

Elves are skilled, intelligent craftsmen and warriors. An elf will devote his or her life to a certain trade, and thus become the best in the universe at what they do. Elves are commonly very quiet and reclusive, causing them to be shy. However shy, they are not naive and posess a great deal of knowlege and wisdom that seems to be inherited at birth. Elves are immortal, and very dedicated to nature. They walk in harmony with their surroundings, but are not wholely over emotional beings. Love is not thought of as deep or passionate for these creatures, but rather a pairing, or mating that is ultimately result in offspring.

What Mythical Creature are you?
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"May All Your Days Be A Magickal one"

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