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Avatar since: 2006-05-29
Age: 48
United States - AZ
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"Why would I care what you think"

See My Albums (1)

About me:

I am moody, opinionated, high strung and hard to get along with at times. However once you are what I would consider a friend I am loyal and giving all you need do is ask and i will do everything in my power to help. Bunt, if you don't want to know the bunt truth don't ask me, I will tell you what I am thinking however you must be willing to except the answer. the same is true in return if I ask you I want the truth, don't tell me what you think I want to hear I'm a adult and kind of a tom boi, I can take it, bunt is faster then trying to spare my feelings. I am what I am .. just ask me

Important Instructions!
Never in the frienship with me tell a lie or betray my trust you will never get it back once you have lost it.
I will think of what to do with this space later
Honesty = Reality:
If you find your self being one of my friends you will come to know that I as well as my best friend ask what you are thinking often, this is for two reasons (1) you are not talking, and have a didstant look on your face. Or (2) we are talking about something in witch knowing what you are thiking would help me understand what you are saying . Next, when someone asks you what you are thinking (you'll notice Sean and I do this a lot in person) don't say "Nothing" or "I don't know" because not only does that make you sound like a babbling idiot, it's NOT FUCKING TRUE. Your thoughts help me determine what you want, and when I know what you want I can make it happen for you. The most inportant thing you can do in your life is tell the fucking truth When someone asks you your opinion on something don't say "I don't know" unless you really don't know. Don't ever say "I don't care" unless you really don't care. Don't tell someone you don't have an opinion unless you are willing to relinquish yourself to their whims. If you tell someone to make your decision for you, be fucking ready to have that happen. And don't you dare complain when it's an option you didn't want. You gave up your say when you said "I don't care". Don't ever say "yes" "maybe" or "sort of" when you mean "No" "not really" or "never". That only confuses the subject and I personally will run with whatever answer you give me. If I ask you if you want me to tweak your nipple and you say "maybe" and mean "no" then guess what? I'M GOING TO DO IT! Because you gave me a slight hint at interest. Grow up and be ture to yourself and be honest with ME. .

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Twizztedbutterfly has no special someone.
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