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Oɯɳҽԃ & Pɾσƚҽƈƚҽԃ Bყ Mყ Dαԃԃყ BratTamer. He gives me cuddles, candy and lets me watch cartoons. He is the bestest Daddy in the whole world.

Daddy's Twisted Lil Kitty that is a lifestyle middle/Babygirl. I likes to color, watch cartoons and gaming on XBox.

I dont have a shop but this is my faviorte shop BratzDesign check her out !! COPY & PASTE LINK https://www.imvu.com/shop/web_search.php?manufacturers_id=56850338

Daddy BratTamer, Sissy Twisted Toy, Best Friends BratDesignz & BratzDesignz and sometimes TubeSteak lol
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