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Trusting Hands Maternity Clinic

Trusting Hands Maternity [T.H.M] is one of IMVUs Newest Maternity Clinics. It was founded in the later year of 2020 and not fully opened until 2021. It was created by Dr. Aeko to bring a more realistic roleplay to the IMVU Community. Our main goal within our clinic is to form bonds with not only the mothers to be but to the fathers to be and all other family members.

Here at Trusting Hands Maternity, we will work hard to continue to grow and be the best for our visitors, patients and their families as we value everyone who steps foot through our clinic doors.

We have recently moved our clinic from under YaniiAeko to its own "TrustingHands", so we are starting fresh. We were previously a five-star rated clinic and will become that again as always looking for more ways to improve and be better. We look forward to starting this amazing Journey with some many wonderful faces.
Trusting Hands Maternity Clinic is an Exclusive Roleplaying Clinic and we will be accepting new patients soon!
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