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Ok so this is ma number 1 nigga ryyt here... he down for me no matta what... I fucked up wit him once before but now were back together and I am gonna try to keep him for as long as possible... Whenever Im with this guy I cant help but smile... I get quiet at times but even in those akward moments I feel comfortable being me haha... I love my imvu boo haha seannysean love you fer life hehe yee feelz meh haha

This is one of my sons haha this kidd is fresh(kuz i dress him) and he juss acoo type dude haha... luv ya lil one

My first IMVU BOO we still coo and he was a coo type nerd haha jkjk but i luv ya homieee nigga haha...

THIS KID!!! What to say about him haha hes ma other son hes the twin haha i swear he took off my twin sister haha

I love you lil seestar hehe shes soo fundorable yee feel meh hehe...

this is ma twin sister she crazy like haha buhh we coo ya feel me!

ahhh this nigga is like ma best friend (besides ma booski seannysean) when we first met we immediately hit it off and we almost got together butt he found someone more of interest sooo now we juss homies and i love his dumbass haha buhhhh welll he already know haha!

haha i swear i juss had to put this guy up here just to get on his nerves...dis nigga cant stand me but hes soooooo cute but hes sooo arrogant haha... WHAT A FREAKING ass whole but i still love my haterzzzhaha ya feel me haha!
My Wish List
!.AD.!-Sportyness?-BH1[b] Badass light*CS* Fruity Strp Tnk*CS* Jellus Much [w] top*CS* Jellus Much [w] shu
Neckers: Checkered FGum Lime Belt*CS* Lavender StrpMini{O}Cutey Gloves3TONE Diamond BR[L]
PLATINUM Artic BR[R]PLATINUM Artic BR[L]*S Fn Fishnet pnk/b[bK]Virgina{BH}Short[LF] P-NY Cap - Blue F
m.. HighTop Wild Patches[LF] XMaZKrepziez.[CX].EnticementPosePack.{K} Stripes Sweater Pinkspacer

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