Welcome to my homepage! Please, stay awhile, peek around.
I hope you find whatever you're looking for. If you don't, feel free to PM me.
If you don't happen to be looking for anything, then enjoy browsing and I hope you have a nice visit!
Please, however, DO NOT add me if we have never spoken a word to one another. Thank you. (:
12.04.18I hate the new dashboard for IMVU Next. But I'm back(ish?)! I don't recognize anyone's names anymore from all the changes lol but it's nice to see some familiar people and I hope I can get into this a little bit again. It's been so long.
It's been a while. College and work kept me here from late 2015 and early 2016. Then, I left around March of 2016 after losing my everything, my baby, my sweet pupper. People here were amazing and so kind as it was happening, but it only took one rude and inconsiderate person to turn me off from coming back here. I missed my friends though, and the sweet people I've met who I hope to know better. So for now, I'm back, now and then. ♥
Updated some of my badges to Christmas themes.
New Birthday DP made by MattAmericanIdiot! ♥
Made a new collab badge with Soneyuh called Be Together. Not the same. ♥
Also made some other secret surprise badges...
Updated some of my badges to Halloween themes. :D
Also updated my homepage banner and DP to the beautiful work made by Neoma @ gasr. <3
Unlikely Friendship badge has been made and sent out!
Officially back from Canada!
Left for Canada to spend a week with my bestie! ♥
I'm going to be without WiFi during this time, so I'll check my messages and badge donation when possible.
Made my Laika badge and granted it to all donors!
Updated my Boobs Badge to a spring-y theme.
Created my half of the Elsa and Anna collab badge between myself and Faut.
I own Anna and she is for sale for 6K. Faut's half (Elsa) is for sale on her page for 6K as well.
Updated my main badge to a Summery badge made by Faut. Thank you, hun! <3
Updated my main badge to an Easter themed badge by my amazing bestie, LoveLock. <3 THANK YOU PUMPKIN.
Updated my badges for Valentine's Day and/or their non-seasonal images.
Celebrated my Birthday! Updated a few of my badges to Thanksgiving and Christmas themed badges. Whoo!
Snail Love presale is on! MzGigi and I completed the abandoned badge collaboratively. Yay!
Updated a few of my badges to Halloween images. Yay!
The Fall Semester is back in full swing for me and I'm in the middle of moving/settling down as well, so don't expect to see very much of me around here.
I’m gonna miss your “good morning“‘s. I’m gonna miss your “good day, sunshine!“‘s. I’m gonna miss your sense of humor. I’m gonna miss you showing me youtube videos. I’m gonna miss you introducing me to all kinds of good music. I’m gonna miss your kind heart. I’m gonna miss everything superman. Scratch that, whenever I see anything superman, I’m gonna think of you. You were superman. I’m gonna miss your blog posts that you thought nobody read. I always read them. Maybe a little late, but I always read them. I’m gonna miss your sexual innuendos. I’m gonna miss sending you zebras. I’m gonna miss sending you birthday cards, Christmas cards, birthday presents, Christmas presents… I’m gonna miss you asking me to make you art. I’m gonna miss you sending me photos of your tattoos. I’m gonna miss talking about our tattoos. I’m gonna miss talking about our dogs. I’m gonna miss hearing about your family, hearing about your day. I’m gonna miss your texts. I’m gonna miss you logging into skype. I’m gonna miss hearing your voice. I’m gonna miss talking to you. I’m gonna miss you calling me snapples, snapalufagus, strawberry kiwi, and all the other pet names you gave me. I’m gonna miss the pet names you called everyone else. I’m gonna miss your “I love you“‘s. I’m gonna miss your “muah“‘s. I’m not gonna miss you disappearing for weeks at a time and worrying everyone - but I’d rather that than you being gone. I miss all of that and then some. I miss you. I love you.
Next time, we’ll do things differently. Til next time. ♥
♥ RIP Andre - 11.28.79 - 06.30.14 ♥
"Free Tilly!" and "Kissed by an Orca" badges made and sent to those who helped! <3
BACK TO SCHOOL! Probably studying at any given time... or sleeping.
Either way, don't expect to see too much of me for a while.
Updated my Peekaboo badge to a Valentine's Day themed image.
More to come soon, if the coming semester doesn't swamp me.
Updated my Boobs Badge and Peekaboo badge to both fit a Christmas theme.
I'm back for a little bit as the Fall Semester has ended.
Updated my Boobs Badge! to a Halloween theme: ZomBoobs! Whoo!
Replied to as many PMs as I could. School is still taking up nearly all of my time.
I'll try to get in on Halloween fun (cuz it's one of my faves!) but don't expect to see a lot of me here for a bit. Sorry!
The Fall Semester begins 8.26.
From that point on, I won't be around here a lot due to focusing on school and my career.
I will not be checking the gasr forum as frequently either, nor my deviantART account.
If you need anything urgently, I suggest sending me an IMVU Forum PM, as I receive an email notification that way.
Thank you in advance for your understanding. (: