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Avatar since: 10/29/06

Age: 73  18+ Age Verified Age Verified
United States - IA
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First Officer -- U.S.S. Vre'kasht NCC-33187 - Live long and prosper.
Relationship Status: In a Relationship

**** NO ADVERTISING!!!! **** **** NO SPAMMING!!!! **** **** NO SOLICITATION OF ANY KIND!!!! ****

Taken by: my Ko-te'kru, my Ko-telsu nash-veh, my Ashaya, my T'Plon.

I AM BONDED! Please, make no attempt to bond with me. It is neither required, nor desired.

For my Ashaya,
You have set free, my spirit, from it's prison in a cold heart of stone. That heart is no longer cold nor made of stone. Forever shall my spirit and heart belong to you, my Ashaya. -- Dif-tor heh smusma V/_
CAPT Siran d'Vel'nahr
First Officer
U.S.S. Vre'kasht NCC-33187
Sixth Fleet (R6), STARFLEET (SFI)

The U.S.S. Vre'kasht NCC-33187, is a chapter of STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. SFI is dedicated to uniting the fans of Star Trek as well as pursuing the future envisioned by Gene Roddenberry as depicted in the Star Trek television series and movies. We are fans dedicated to keeping Star Trek and everything about it alive and in the public eye.

Our chapter (ship), the U.S.S. Vre'kasht, is of a Vulcan designed Federation starship. The design is based on the Vulcan Surak Class starship and its construction was at 40 Eridani-A Shipyards at Vulcan. Its purpose is Scientific Research. You can read more about it in the Ship's Library section on our website.

Our chapter is based out of Des Moines, Iowa. We are in Region 6 (Sixth Fleet) of SFI. Our members, however, are from all over the U.S., from Washington State to Florida, and many points in between. In July 2010, we had our first international member join our chapter, and STARFLEET.


We hold meetings, here on IMVU, every 1st Friday starting at 9:00 PM Central. These Fridays are open recruitment meetings. Everyone is welcome to those meetings. We hold them in our public room. Join us at these meetings and get to know us! Search for:

U.S.S. Vre'kasht [Star Trek] Ready Room

We have a quarterly meeting on the 2nd Friday which is our official SFI meeting and is also held on IMVU. This meeting is by invitation and is for our members only. It begins at 8:00pm Central time.

Always check the room on Friday, if interested. One or more of us can be in the room at any time and would be more than happy to be host.

Captain T'Plon Makh-zhuksu - CO
Captain Siran d'Vel'nahr - XO

To learn more about our chapter, visit our website. We have a forum linked from the website.
"A curious creature. Its trilling seems to have a tranquilizing effect on the human nervous system. Fortunately, of course, I am ... immune ... to ... its ... effect..."

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My Sandbox


Well, this is disturbing! The notice we all received last month, July 2011, was that no more custom HTML code will be allowed to be used in our "Interest" panels. All my panels, including the "Interest" panel still have my custom HTML code in them. Ahh, but I discover this morning that the "RSS" panel has been replaced by this, the "Sandbox" panel. EVERYTHING I had in the "RSS" panel is now gone!!! We were given a couple days to copy everything from our "Interest" panels, NOT our "RSS" panels. This really sucks, in my opinion! :(

These are my personal overall BOINC stats:

These are our team overall BOINC stats:

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My Rankings
friendly Friends 19
visitors Visitors 494
kharma Gifts 96
generosity Generosity 95

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My Wish List

I am Vulcan. I do not wish for material items. If you should happen to see anything here, do not buy it for me. I have it here, temporarily, to try it. If I like it, I will buy it myself.

Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper


My stuff.
Special Someone
For my Ashaya,
You have set free, my spirit, from it's prison in a cold heart of stone. That heart is no longer cold nor made of stone. Forever shall my spirit and heart belong to you, my Ashaya. -- Dif-tor heh smusma \V/_

What Star Trek Species Are You?
created with QuizFarm.com
You scored as Vulcan

You are Vulcan, You prefer to be alone and learn. You rarely show people what you are feeling. You understand that things take time. Safety is something that usually passes your mind, but you don't always follow it
















My Friends (19)

This is a list of 16 of my crew mates, the first 16, from the U.S.S. Vre'kasht NCC-33187. The rest are either members of STARFLEET, or just good friends.

Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper

My Recent Visitors (0)


Please do NOT return to my page if all you're doing is advertising your stuff!


Repeat offenders WILL BE REPORTED!!!

Dif-tor heh smusma - Live long and prosper V/_

My Interests

Uppercase letters and spaces seem to be working now. :)

Computers, Aquarius, United States - IA, Star Trek, Starfleet, Vulcan, BOINC, Spock, Ashaya, Ko-te'kru, Ko-kugalsu, Ko-telsu nash-veh, USS Vre'kasht, My Websites
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