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"I'll be waiting...."

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My name is Rinoa Heartilly. My Parents are General Caraway and Julia Heartilly. I was a member of the Forest Owls, a small resistance faction seeking to liberate the small nation of Timber from Galbadian occupation. I went to Balmb Garder to speak with there headmaster. When i came across a young man at the SeeD Inauguration Ball. He was the most handsome man there, and i convinced him to dance with me. Later i managed to speak with there headmaster about hiring some of there SeeD's to help us, he agreed. When they arrived there was 3 of them, Zell Dincht, Selphie Tilmitt, and Squall Leonhart, the same young man i met at the dance. Our mission went wrong and we were forced to leave Timber, so i decided to travel along with them. Many things happened along the way, and we discovered that Balmb Garden could float across the ground, making it easier to get around. We had to stop at Fishermans Horizon for supplies and to fix Balmb Garden after the fight with, Galbadia Garden. Where the other members of our party decide to put on a concert, Leaving me and Squall alone. I think they are trying to get us together...Guess they read my mind. *laughs* We fought against a woman named Edea, a powerful sorceress, and won, but found out that she had been controlled by Ultimecia, a sorceress from the future, and when Edea was beaten, Ultimecia somehow came into me, controlling me. She made me break the seal holding the sorceress Adel, so that she could take her over. Leaving me to die in space. But Squall rescued me, i never gave up hope that he would find me. We managed to get aboard the spaceship Ragnarok, where we shared a tender moment. We realised that after Edea had been beaten, her powers had been passed onto me, turning me into a sorceress. Why me? When we landed i was taken to the Sorceress Memorial near Esthar, because they feared me, feared that Ultimecia would try and control me again. Squall came after me, he freed me, i was so scared, but my hero was never far away. He held me close, and for a moment it was like time stood still, nothing else mattered but that moment. We rejoined the group and realised that the only way to defeat Ultimecia was to allow her to take over me again, and to go into the future to fight her. I was afraid of what might happen, worried for my friends and Squall, but he promised to stay with me, and that everything would be ok, so i agreed. We found ourselfs at her castle, it was more like a fortress, there were many enemies to fight, but we beat them back and reached Ultimecia. We fought against her and won. Squall was wounded, but we got him safely back to Balmb Garden, where the Doc fixed him up, and later Squall and i shared our first kiss. But now suddenly i find myself on my own, with no sign of Squall or the others. What happened?.....Squall where are you? He once said to me that if i wanted to find him i would know where to go. So i'm heading there, i pray that he will be there, i need him to be there, the thought of seeing him again is what keeps me going. It won't be easy, but won't give up, i'll never give up...C'mon Angelo, let's go find Squall and our friends.
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Which Final Fantasy 8 Character are you?
You are quiet bossy but that's because you usally have good ideas and good intentions. You enjoy fighting for the little guy and don't back down no matter how hard it gets.

Name: Kalea Naveen: Guest.Race: Human. Age: 21 years old. (RL age 26)Weight: 127 Build: Athletic Height: 5"7 tall. Hair: Brown with lighter brown highlights. Eyes: Hazel. Skin Tone: Creamy pink. Weapons: Long bow, Charlemagne sword and shield
Body LightMagical backgroundsNeko Kitsune Soul F/ M[P] Marishka EyesRave Wings
[NK] BW - Elf Ears100% BUTT & HIP SCALERchest scaler 130%~E- Shelley Brown~E- Hera Panja Right
~E- Hera Bracelet Left~E- Niska Headdress!A Rosy model~E- Autumn Skirt Blue~E- Adele Circlet
~E- Adele Necklace~E- Spring Wedd Diadem~E- Asteria Sandals*Bigger Chest Scaler*Hands Scaler
My Rankings

.Background:Kalea NaveenFather - MarcusMother - ElenaBrother - Renard. Born in France, Kalea spent most of her time training to become a archer. Her father Marcus Naveen, the captain of the guard at the time, would help her by teaching Kalea fighting skills to better serve her when she was older.Unfortunatly for her she had to put them into practise one night when bandits raided the town killing many including both her parents, however her brother Renard was belived to have escapped.Since that night, Kalea became determined to better herself, to become stronger, so that next time, she could defend those she cared for.She took her fathers Charlemagne sword and shield and ran off in search of combat.It was soon after that she met her closest friend.One day she was walking through the forest, tired and weak from hunger. A bear caught her scent and went to attack her.When suddenly a Falcon appeared from nowhere, attacking the bear, and causing it to run away and thus saving Kalea's life.She named him Tristram and he follows her wherever she goes.
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