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Zarejestrowany od: 2007-01-11
Age: 104 18+ Age Verified Weryfikacja Wieku
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See My Albums (1)

/- I Remember Everything... You can take that as a Curse or as a Blessing, The Difference isn't that wide to matter which you choose. /- Depression only bothers me if i let it, as such it doesn't bother me. /- i appear Gothic most of the time, though I've never really understood the whole Gothic definition, I've just always been "Edgy" also don't understand Edgy's definition as both labels appear attached to anything Red, or Black making it hard to define as a Thing rather then something people say just to feel better about themselves, I Am Who I Am Because That's Who I Am... i don't need to pretend otherwise. /- I'm a writer and Artist, my Background is my Creation for example. /- I Find my greatest strength is helping others understand their life and get through their issues.
Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other
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Znajomi (16)
Did you know that the feeling of love is lonely`ness and/or the want to f!@#. IT'S TURE! i over heard myself saying so.

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