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Avatar since: 08/11/07

Age: 35
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Bye imvu FOR GOOD

Lauren ♥
AvatarSince: Who cares .?

yadda, yadda, gone.

Lil bang. Lil pop. Lil grind and shot :D
I'm Lauren. I'm 16 and Dec20,2008 is the day i turn one year older. I'm a sophmore in Australia. I have one kick ass accent too, hehe :] Umm, I'm pretty much like every teenage girl you will ever meet. I don't do dating over interent. Just not my thing. Nor' do i cyber. Pretty nasty! Cos, you never know who's behind the other screen. I cheerlead and box. Weird mix.? Mabey to you. But i love it. My friends say i have the cutest laugh, i kindof agree (; I speak sarcasm about 96% of the time. And i don't care if i hurt your feelings. I'm the type of girl that can defend herself, yet is emotional too. Ha. I love my friends on here and in real. I choice my friends, cos everybody is so fake now. I don't really want to write much because you can get to know me by yourself now. Adios.
My Interests
Yes, i promise im not fake.

If yuh don't think im pretty. I don't give a f_ck. Atleast I can show myself.

* I don't and won't judge anybody, so I just ask you do the same. Errite .? (: .

I usually get asked these alot, So i mite as-well answer them:

- I'm currently at the age of 16.
- I'm White, Costa Rican, and Australian.
- I'm NOT a model. Nor do I want to be.

* Yes, I have confidence in myself. Unlike most. So ofcourse i think im beautiful. However, I don't think im the shit. So I ask that you don't take my pictures. You don't see me taking yours, do you .? NO. So thank you very much. But, if you do. I will do the same. I believe in Carma's a bitch (;
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