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Welcome to my home page :)
I'm Daniela, 34, italian. Creator on IMVU since 2009 and mesher since 2012.
My alt accounts: Dalessa and sis3D

Do you sell your meshes?
Yes, I sell my files but ONLY in my group "SIS file sales".
Anyway if you found products same as mine, may have been stolen.
Please let me know with a message.
Do you accept request of meshes?
Accepting request of accessories meshes in SiS Group!
Who has made your display pic?
My dp are made by myself but don't accept request atm.
If you are interested I sell my premades in my group "SIS file sales".
What is the software that you use?
Autodesk 3dsMax 2010 for 3d stuff,
Adobe Photoshop Cs6 for textures.

Welcome to my home page :)
I'm Daniela, 34, italian. Creator on IMVU since 2009 and mesher since 2012.
My alt accounts: Dalessa and sis3D

My Badges
Get this badge MeshxLove
Get this badge Till Death Do Us
Get this badge Pvc Shoes
Get this badge Winged Eyeball
Get this badge Black Cat
Get this badge Corset
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