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Haaaalllleeyyyy :)

Hey there good lookin',
I'm Haley Nicole Smith, So original I know.
I'm old enough.
I live in Oklahoma, Its boring here.
I don't smoke or drink.
I'm a single pringle. :D.
I'm a Freshman.
I don't like most people, But I get along with anyone.
I'm a animal person, They put smiles on my face :).
People tell me I'm weird, And some say I'm just all around amazing.
I don't care what people say about me, They are words, not bullets.
I have my iPod with me 24/7.
I know I'm different then basically everyone, And I'm pretty proud of it.
I don't like being told that I'm not good enough, I mean so sorry I'm not perfect enough for you.
I still sit in the middle of the living room floor on Saturdays and watch cartoons, Childish i know.
I'm random, loud and childish at times, At others I'm quiet, mature, and shy.
If I like someone I get tongue tied, very easy.
If I'm listening to the radio and a song I like comes on, I will randomly start singing or dancing to it. :)
I'm me no one else, and I don't plan on changing for anyone.
When I'm with my cousins I will sit there and play video games with them, I'd have to say I'm pretty good at them,Nerdy I know.
My favorite person on YouTube is Destery, If I could marry him I would. :D
I play soccer and track.
If you really wanna get to know me, Your gonna have to take the time to.
Well, Message me, Byeee.<3

Well Isn't that Sexy? ;D
The Loved Ones.

Ok welllll your my step sister and I love you to death, we are together pretty much 24/7. I can trust you with my life, I can tell you anything and you will give me the best advice EVER. No one could ever take your spot in my life, You have made an imprint in my heart and that won't ever change, We have pretty good memories, and I know we will make A LOT more, your one of the best people I know, you never turn your back on me and I know you never will, we get mad at each other but we get over it within the day normally, If I have a boyfriend you have to meet them or talk to them and you will immediately say "Your hurt my sister I will hurt you" and you have a smile on your face while saying it, It makes me laugh, Everyone says we look alike and we don't have the same parents or anything, I love how you have a comment about everything and how you get confused easily, It makes me laugh, I remember when you laughed at me when i was trying to sing really high pitch and we both laughed so hard we cried. Anywhore, I love you so so so so much and that will never change, Sisters Forever. <3

Ok well, I don't really know where to start with you. Your one of my bestfriends, and I know that won't ever change, Your amazing and ALWAYS there for me and you can make me smile within 2 seconds :D. We will talk about the most random things ever, and our conversations never really get boring, your important to me and you always will be, Whenever I'm upset I know I can go to you to talk about it, I remember when I made you play peek-a-boo with me one of the first times we webcamed, But you won't play it with me anymore, But thats ok, I love how I will tell you I want your hat and you will just be like "To bad :P". And your never mean to me, your always the same ol' sweet Jesse I know and love. Well anyways your one of my bestfriends and I love you. :)

Ok so, You and I have been friends for WAY over a year, we have some of the best memories ever like the first time I talked to you on the phone I literally burnt my hair and you just laughed at me xD, you've always been there, and I know you probably always will be. We have our fights and arguments, but what friends don't? You mean so much to me and I can trust you with so much, It makes me mad how you will sit there and make fun of my nose, but its also one of the reasons I love you so much, When I'm sad you make me smile within a minute, and when I smile people automatically know who I'm texting, We have been through quite a bit, and I'm still pretty close to you, Which makes me think we will be friends forever. Your my Sweezy, :) And that won't change. I know I can go to you for help or just to vent and you will listen, I love how when I'm mean to you it makes you mad and you always say "Your never mean to me >:l", and then I will just laugh. But anywhore, I love you and your one of the best. :D

"Truth Is Everybody

Is Gonna Hurt You,

You Just Have To

Find The Ones

Worth Suffering For."

To Do List.

Get Better Grades This Year.
Hang Out With Beylin More.
Cut Down On The Pop.
Go To Bed Earlier.
Be Nicer To My Teachers...
Stay Off The Computer So Much.
Go Swimming More.







leo, UnitedStates

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