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Avatar since: 2007-12-10
Age: 41
United States - OR
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"Testosterone is a great equalizer. It turns all men into morons"

See My Albums (5)

Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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friendly Friends 12
visitors Visitors 446
kharma Gifts 185
generosity Generosity 165

My Wish List
I am a bit of a Wishaholic on here cause in RL they never seem to come True
[a] Sangria Alyssa[a] Sangria Osland[a] Sangria Carley[a] Sangria Eloise[a] Demona Eyes v2
Falorian Faerie Wings v1Falorian Faerie Wings v2Unseelie Faerie WingsSeelie Faerie WingsFalorian Faerie Wings v3
Falorian Faerie Wings v4Falorian Faerie Wings v7Falorian Faerie Wings v6Falorian Faerie Wings v5Falorian Faerie Wings v9
Falorian Faerie Wings v8Falorian Fae. Wings v11Falorian Fae, Wings v10Falorian Fae. Wings v12Falorian Fae. Wings v13
My Friends (12)
We the unwilling, are led by the unknowing, to do the impossible, for the ungrateful. We have done so much, for so long, with so little, that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing.
Special Someone
My Sissypoo
Love isn't brains. It's Blood, Blood screaming at you to work its will.Our blood doesn't just scream, it shakes the rafters.
*mutters about changing of name and no warnings* You drive me nuts! But I lurve you anyway
Check it this is my homeboy and even tho he sometimes is a chica I wuvs him bunches
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