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Lynxe  VIP Club Member
Avatar since: 12/26/16

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𝕾𝖍𝖍, 𝖓𝖔 𝖔𝖓𝖊 𝖈𝖆𝖗𝖊𝖘
Relationship Status: Other
Looking For: Friendship
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Contact Me
WANTING TO BE ADOPTED? Follow the steps below :) STEP 1: message me or find me in a chatroom, and ask me about wanting to be adopted STEP 2: If I agree to your adoption you will put on a week trial to determine if you'll be a right fit for my family. STEP 3: After that week I'll tell you if you're officially a family member! SIDE NOTES~ I am looking for up to three children! Any gender. I don't care if you're gay/bi/transgender. I accept all for who they are <3 I'll only be accepting accounts 2 - 4 months old or older! I know this is harsh but I find that people who are newer to imvu are more needy and always asking for things. I also have a loaded IMVU bank, so Ill be spoiling my kids rotten if you're accepted into the family after you're trial. I'm so excited to have a beautiful family :)
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Como un tattoSexy tongue yummi✮ Mabel - Ruby✮ Bodysuit Black/White✮ Fishnet Shirt Grunge
seeker✮ Beautiful Day✮ Chaotic Neck Tat✮ Ayana - Blonde✮ Bunny Backpack
black arm warmersink jeans w/ belt! black nails & ringsRoses Elf Ears♡ My Kawaii Eyeliner
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