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Hi! My name is Haley in rl, but I go by Avery, Bella, Bells, Lais, etc. on IMVU. I am in my 20s in rl & I am happily married to a NAVY man. On IMVU, I have 3 kids, 2 whom do not come online anymore, Emily & Jade, and 1 I adopted recently Emily. I don't have an IMVU family currently, but I have many friends I consider to be my family. I am online a lot more so even if I do not know you, you are more than welcome into my room Aves' Space, or welcome to message.

The absolute love of my life, Ryan. Official: April 24, 2020 ; Married: January 21, 2021. You mean the absolute world to me, I would not be able to get through this life without you. I love you so much, always.

My twin Jasmine. My Wifey. My Teddy. My Bee. My godbabies Bels & Kelsey. My princess Emily. My 2 inactive babies Emi & Jade. My big butt Mais. My zaewae. My forever momma Daisie. My gigi Holly. My nana Mayia. My sisterish Miranda. My PNC cam. Eli. All my friends

SHOP: Squishie, Komas, Laci, MrsQG, Fine, rila, Breana
Shout out to the Levine Family and my friends
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