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About me

I’m a Twenty-three year old girl.

I’m a hopeless romantic and I love tragic, heartbreaking films and books.
I want to live in a log cabin in the mountains one day, wearing sweaters and scarves with the man I love.
I am afraid of being touched by certain people, and will often shy away from them when they get too close.
I feel desperately at odds with myself sometimes and wish I were someone else.
I want to make beautiful art; I have a passion for photography, the piano, and indie/folk (all types really) music.
Winter is my favorite season; fall is my second.

I want so much to save someone’s life and to fix them.

One day I want to fall asleep in the forest under a blanket of stars and wake up the next day having found myself in my sleep.

I have a fear of being Forgotten and being ignored, I am also afraid of vacuums (fun fact)

Sometimes I forget I exist, or wish that I didn’t. I want to be the best I can, to travel the world and learn and just simply be.

Well, I hope you read this, This is just a glimse of the person that I am. And I would love to chat with whoever is up to it.

Some Info about me

From: Someone's Ball sac.
Sex: Yes, Please?
Age: Twenty-three
relationship status: Single, Don't know how to Mingle.

I do my thing and you do yours. I am not in this world to live up to your expectations, and you are not in this world to live up to mine. You are you and I am I, and if by chance we find each other, then it is beautiful. If not, it can't be helped.

Will you still love me even if Im not perfect? Will you still love me even if Im not the kind of person you wished I were? Will you still look into my eyes with warmth even if you saw my shadows? Will you still hold my hand even if you knew there will be times Id let you down?

Exit-Luke: You'll always be my best friend, We have this connection that honestly that can never be broken. You mean more to me than anything, I am the luckiest person to have met you, And even more lucky that even after five years, You're still around, Although, Your asshole self likes to go away for awhile on me. Still I Love you though,
Bulb-Cher:You are indeed my best friend, Where would i be if I didn't have you? I can always count on you, I know you will be always by my side, No doubt about it and I will always be there for you, I am happy I got the chance to actually meet you in RL And that we are now even better best friends.Love you My bitch.
Genus-Stacie: We have been friends for years, And although we have our ups and downs, I am glad we can still be close. c: sometimes we may go awhile without talking, but once we do start again we go where we left off, you're a sweet person and youll always be good enough.

until you yourself belive its true we will never find the beauty that lies in you.
