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Hi! Welcome to my homepage! Feel free to come visit Bebis Zoo, Adler, or Good Girls at anytime!

My name is Haley, I am in my 20s in rl & married to a military man. I have 2 kids on IMVU; Tallulah & Dollie. They are my world. My husband is my rl and vu hubby & we have a son together in rl. I have a forever twin, Jassi @ IMVU. I have a mom, grumpie @ IMVU. I have a godmommy, Squishie @ IMVU & Godtwin, Belz @ IMVU. I barely venture out of my room so if you want to talk to me, send me a message or come on into Bebi's Zoo, Adler, or Good Girls

My twin Jasmine (07.15.11) the Adler family. Bri. Torc. Lauren.


SHOP Torc, rila, Goatie

If you need to contact me, you can visit my IG; mwala.vu or message me on IMVU!
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