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Avatar since: 06/19/14

Age: 31
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Mmm na na, lesson learned~
Relationship Status: Married
Looking For: Friendship
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Your here to talk and learn about me and so its kinda my job to oblige you right ?, well my name is Cassandra Hiroku Shiroibara, i am a kya'suneshi, a custom made and custom named hybrid race made by blending the Vampires of old, the Seraphim warriors of god and the Kitsune nine tailed fox spirits, i am a powerful princess who leads the great starship fleet of the resistance from the city in the sky of Rosenguard, bred in battle and trained in many long forgotten arts i have learned many combat and magic skills that i use to protect and defend those that are loyal to me and i will continue to do so until the day that my exsistance finally fades from time and the torch is passed onto the next generation....

But life for me is not all god battles and starship fights, no i spend a lot of time on earth actually, and when i am there things are really different to my normal exciting life, i enjoy anime and manga my favorite of witch being vampire knight and the not technically anime show RWBY and i do that for most of my time but i also collect weapons to display on the walls of my small two story house in Sarnia Ontairo Canada, i collect plushies and cosplay items for myself although i don't really dress up in cosplay much anymore since i don't feel i have the body to pull it off and its a very demanding lifestyle choice to cosplay hahaha, i also am a very avid gamer spending a lot of time gaming both online and offline, i own every game system on the market dating back to 1994 with the exception of the 2017 Nintendo switch, my favorite video games include but are not limited to dark cloud for the Playstation 2, white knight chronicles for the Playstation 3 and destiny for the Xbox one

I am a very open book so you can always message me and ask me just about anything, sure i have some things i do not share but there are usually things you do not need to know about people and anyways everyone has skeletons in there closet, i am no exception hahaha, feel free to message me and talk to me and who knows i might be that one person who you needed as a friend and you did not even know it yet hahaha, also feel free to add me on other sites and social media too, i am not hard to find since most of my things are the same but just in case i am a little more difficult to find then i think ill list the things you can add me on below here hahahaha

Thanks for taking the time to read this and take an interest in me, if you message me ill be sure to take an interest in you as well, chao~

My Gaia Online = Cassandra Shiroibara

KIK = GamerGirlAngel21

Xbox Live = ArcticKitsune21

Playstation Network = CassandraShiroibara
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