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大家好 我是IMV Chinatown 的守護天使和寵物ä¼?éµ? . IMVU Chinatown 是IMVU上最棒的è?¯äººç¤¾ç¾¤ . 我們有超é?Ž5000人的è¦?模 堪稱是最大的è?¯äººç¤¾ç¾¤ . 裡頭å?Œæ™‚有許多中文資訊 . 包括由專業的翻譯工作室夥伴努力創造的一些有關IMVUçš„æ“?作文件  . 並æ“?有許多生活化的討論 . 其中更值得一æ??的是我們美輪美å¥?的三間社群Group rooms . ä¸?但美麗而且寧é?œ 相信大家一定會喜歡 . å?Œæ™‚互相幫助是社群的風氣 如果你é?‡åˆ°ä»»ä½•å•?é¡Œ . 都å?¯ä»¥é€²åŽ»è«‹ç¤¾ç¾¤å¤¥ä¼´å?”助你克æœ? . 相信你會喜歡這個社群 . 也希望我們能æˆ?為好朋å?‹å–” . *^________^*
Hello, everybody! I am the Baby angel and the penguin pet of the IMVU Chinatown Bosonpenguin. IMVU Chinatown is the greatest group for Chinese people in IMVU. We have more than 5000 members therefore we are the biggest group for Chinese here. We have a lot of information in Chinese too, including operation documents related to IMVU created by our professional translators, and many daily lives’ discussions, not to mention our three magnificent Group rooms. They are not only beautiful but peaceful in classical Chinese style so I believed that all of you will like them. Helping each other is the common practice of our Group. If you have any problems please come to our Group and our partners will be happy to give you assistance. Again, I believe that you will love this Group and wish we will be good friends.
Aquarius music read Taiwan thinking.
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