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Log Fire for Fireplace Chocolate Birthday Cake Ice Cream Parfait Beverage Flute Sparkling Beverage Bottle Happy Birthday Banner Purple Waterlilies Oriental Birds Painting Water Goblet Donuts, Chocolate Soda Glass with Animated Bubbles Cream Persian Rug Polynesian Hut Tall See-Thru Screen Glass Drink Bottle 8 Ghost Mirror, Animated La Belle Dame Oil Painting Vanishing Hair Tester Accessory Vanishing Hair Spotlight (furniture)

FREE IMVU Trigger Words!

    Free IMVU trigger words animate your avatar in a 3D chat room, making it move, or make a sound, or creating some other change. To use a trigger word, simply type it as the FIRST word in a chat bubble or on a chat text line. There are well over 140 trigger words, and below are some discovered by IMVU users. Some triggers create the same action to provide flexibility in conversations. A few are in foreign languages. Try them all! Please note that this is not an official IMVU list, and that actions and trigger words are subject to change by IMVU at any time.

    Know of a missing, working trigger word? Send me a message (guidelines below).

    Share this link (http://avatars.imvu.com/AnakaTarren) or add my banner to your home page (click link at the top of this panel) so we can keep everyone informed! Please do not post the list below in other public places such as home pages or in the forums; instead please direct people to my home page for it. Thanks!

    • Adios
    • Ag (contributed by BCPhantom)
    • Airguitar
    • Bad (contributed by Deloresa)
    • Backflip
    • Baiser (contributed by ZaraKaine) (New 7/17)
    • Bd
    • Beso (contributed by MariaGBatista) (New 2/2)
    • Bigyawn
    • Bisou (contributed by Jaina)
    • Blink (Hard to distinguish from a regular blink.)
    • Bonjour (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
    • Burp
    • Bye (also byebye)
    • Candlestick (contributed by TatsuChi and bebegurl411)
    • Choke (contributed by TitaScorpio)
    • Ciao
    • Clap
    • Comeagain?
    • Coocoo (contributed by KlawzBat; or "cookoo" - contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
    • Coy
    • Crazy (also CR - contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
    • Cry
    • Cuckoo (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Cya
    • Fatigue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • FlyingLotus (or 2111 - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Flip
    • Freeze (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
    • Gag
    • Good
    • Greetings (contributed by miyadorei)
    • Gross (contributed by Guest_SereneFantasy)
    • Grr (also grrr) (contributed by bsubassbone)
    • Guitar (contributed by Guest_anna4luv)
    • Ha (also haha)
    • Har (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Headnod (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Heh (contributed by bsubassbone)
    • Hello (contributed by miyadorei)
    • Hellyeah (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Hi (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
    • Hiya
    • Hola (contributed by Guest_MariaGBatista)
    • Hole (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
    • Howzit (also Howzit?, both contributed by zell298)
    • Hm (also hmm and hmmm)
    • Huh
    • K (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
    • II (double i's)
    • Ja (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Jump (Contributed by Guest_Infern6. Now works with female avatars too. Update by Macbeth84 (Updated 2/1))
    • Kek (contributed by DamonRedl)
    • Kick
    • Kiss
    • Kisshold (contributed by Guest_Dontlike123)
    • Kisssilly (contributed by Kev84)
    • Latah
    • Later (contributed by TitaScorpio)
    • Leap
    • Langue (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Langue2 (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Lengua (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
    • Lengua2 (contributed by LAT1NLOV3R)
    • Loco (contributed by Token224)
    • LOL
    • Loser (or just the letter "L" - contributed by FireeBabe ,
      or "(L)" - contributed by Guest_Infern6)
    • Lotus (contributed by HisMelody) (New 2/2)
    • Mad
    • MCG (contributed by SqueakerBubbles)
    • MCGPose (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • MDR (contributed by Jaina)
    • Nah
    • Nein (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • No (also N - contributed by Nympheas)
    • Non (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
    • Nope
    • Nod
    • 'O' (contributed by Guest_x0xSweetKisses)
    • Ok (also okay)
    • Omfg
    • Omg
    • Ooo (also oooo and ooooo)
    • Oooh
    • Oui (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
    • Peace
    • Pissed (contributed by Guest_Azure91)
    • Pist (contributed by zell298)
    • Puke
    • Quoi (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
    • Que (contributed by jeffdeadwater)
    • Question (contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Riff (contributed by zell298)
    • Right
    • Rocker
    • Rofl
    • Score
    • Sexy
    • Sexy2
    • Shocked
    • Shocking (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Sick (contributed by Serephine)
    • Sleep
    • Smile
    • Soirire (or Sourire - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Sup (contributed by Guest_gazz007, or "Sup?" contributed by 9block)
    • Sure (contributed by TitaScorpio)
    • Talktothehand (contributed by AsidRayne)
    • Tata
    • Thumbsdown
    • Thumbsup
    • Tired
    • Tongue
    • Tongue2 (contributed by Sw33tNshy1)
    • Tth (contributed by AsidRayne)
    • Ttyl
    • Tung (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
    • Tung2 (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
    • Vomit
    • Wanna? (contributed by Rob78)
    • Wassamatta
    • Wave (also /wave - contributed by Guest_gazz007)
    • What (also What? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
    • Whatever
    • When (contributed by Guest_Luana325i;
      also When? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
    • Where (also Where? - contributed by Weasho) (New 2/2)
    • Who (contributed by Jenna;
      also Who? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
    • Woohoo (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
    • Why (also Why? - contributed by Guest_seabirdss)
    • Wink
    • Wrong
    • Yahoo (contributed by Airrica)
    • Yak (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Yawn
    • Yay
    • Yea (contributed by Guest_AmericanAngelOfLove)
    • Yeah
    • Yep (contributed by babydoll121289)
    • Yes (also Y - contributed by Nympheas)
    • Yippee (contributed by Guest_bubulala)
    • Yo (contributed by Guest_Alledielle)
    • Yt? (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • Yup (contributed by Guest_luminona)
    • zz (also zzz. Also, z - contributed by Guest_AlishaJensen06)
    • -o-
    • :) (contributed by Deloresa)
    • ;) (contributed by Deloresa)
    • ;^) (contributed by Guest_raluca22)
    • ;} (contributed by Guest_Ezmoney45)
    • :*
    • :)~ (contributed by bryce6)
    • :*( (contributed by Guest_Luana325i)
    • :** (contributed by Cigahy)
    • :*** (contributed by Snubs)
    • >:( or >:-(
    • |( (the first character is shift plus "")
    • || (each character is shift plus "", contributed by Guest_emogirl777)
    • :-)
    • :-S (contributed by Guest_Mezzanine)
    • > (contributed by nicekat)
    • 8o (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • 8p (contributed by Guest_Suductive3692)
    • 8* (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
    • 8( (contributed by Guest_GhettoMami540)
    • 8>* (contributed by Guest_Lildiot)
    • %( (contributed by SexyBlenko)
    • ?f (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • ?h (contributed by Snubs)
    • ?t (contributed by KlawzBat)
    • *use 2111 (contributed by buffy1996)
    • *hiResSnap (contributed by Bebi1st). Takes a hi-res picture of the scene and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
    • *hiResNoBg (contributed by AimiHanaYuzuki). Takes a hi-res picture without the background and puts it on your desktop. (New 2/5)
    • *saveOutfit (Removed in client version 452.0. In the "Dress Up" or "My Room" window, click on the Outfit symbol (a gold hanger) at the bottom of the window, then click on the Save Outfit button. (Update 2/1!))

    To add trigger words to this list or to add other information you think is helpful, send me a message. If your contribution is added, I'll put your avatar name beside it (unless you specifically request otherwise). A new word will generally only be added to this list under the following conditions:

    1. It works by default across all IMVU chat scenes (unless disabled by a developer's specific product).

    2. It is not product-specific, such as trigger words that animate pets or are associated with an accessory.

    3. It creates more than just a single tiny nod of the head. Hitting the Enter key in a chat bubble will create at least that much action, whether you type a character, word, or nothing at all.

    4. It is rated no worse than PG-13. I don't know if stronger trigger words exist on IMVU (other than restricted products), but if they do, I'm not posting them here. :)

    5. It is not confidential IMVU code.

    All of the decisions above will be made at my sole discretion. I also reserve the right to change these guidelines without notice in the event something unforeseen arises. (Hey, I probably didn't think of everything! ::grins::)
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Disappearing Hair & Clothes!
TEST before being embarrassed!

Use these two items to test for disappearing hair, clothes, and accessories!

Vanishing Hair Tester The Vanishing Hair Tester accessory finds SOME disappearing items BEFORE you BUY! Just put it on your avatar before shopping and then look ALL AROUND tested hair or clothes when using the Try-It feature. Save credits!

Vanishing Hair Spotlight The toughest test! The Vanishing Hair Spotlight furniture item finds MOST (if not ALL) disappearing clothes, but can only test items AFTER purchase in your room (a limitation caused by new IMVU client versions). But this Spotlight can help you almost everything that might disappear in nightclubs and water scenes, so you can choose safer rooms to wear them, minimizing embarrassment. Be sure to check all around when testing since the angle of view makes a difference.

I sometimes buy beautiful disappearing items anyway, but want to know so I change out of them before going into rooms where I think they might vanish. The Spotlight is also great for practical jokes on your friends and/or developer testing.

IMPORTANT: Click on the links above to read instructions about how to use these items before buying!

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Furniture Commands

IMVU furniture command information has been frequently moved and even now takes several steps to locate, so this section is being maintained due to popular demand!

BASIC Furniture Commands:
If the furniture menu doesn't show in the upper left corner of your "My Room" window, click on the plus sign (+) in that same location to open it.

The furniture menu opens in "Explore" mode, allowing your avatar to move in the room. To move or change furniture, click on the tiny hammer, and then click on the buttons to the right of the highlighted, tiny gold avatar picture. Be sure to close the furniture menu or click on the tiny gold avatar symbol in the furniture menu when furniture changes are complete so you can use your avatar again!

To move furniture, click on the MOVE symbol (next to the tiny gold avatar), then hover your cursor over the furniture item to relocate until its handle (a gold dot) appears. (Sometimes it's on the floor under a floating item). Left-click your mouse and drag the gold dot to shift the item to a new position. Each of the other Furniture buttons is used in a similar manner.

For a more detailed explanation of each command, click on IMVU's Help link, type "furniture" in the Keyword box, and select "Editing Your Room." (Sorry, but IMVU's newest help section no longer allows me to provide a direct link to the article.)

Advanced Furniture Commands:
Create custom placements away from furniture nodes by using the Shift or Control keys when dragging an item! For example, Shift-Move lets you drag an item up or down. Control-Move command lets you move an item in-between floor nodes. Shift and Control create special actions when used with most of the other Furniture edit buttons too. For example, when Shift and Control are used with the ROTATE command, you can even tilt furniture at odd angles.

IMPORTANT: Details for using each the Shift and Control keys are in the "Tips" section at the bottom of the "Editing your room" article mentioned above. It's easy to miss, but critical for decorators!

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Tired of Losing Re-Rated Clothes?
Test with the MCG skin!

Avatar clothing items may be flagged and re-rated as inappropriate for the General Audience (GA) rating due to violations by the creator. Use these FREE tests to minimize the risk of losing your future purchases!

ALL Users! Get IMVU's MCG test skin for FREE (click here) and put it on your avatar before using the clothing Try-It feature. If ANY of the MCG swimsuit’s RED area shows under tested GA clothing, the tested item is in violation and may be re-rated in the future.

Find information about the MCG skin in the “Minimum Coverage� section of the Virtual Goods Policy click here.

Items may be re-rated for other violations of the Virtual Goods Policy even if they pass the MCG skin test. See the Virtual Goods Policy (link above) for full details.

While testing for rating issues, you can test for other problems too. Hate it when your hair disappears? Test clothing and hair for potentially embarrassing disappearances using by AnakaTarren’s Vanishing Hair Spotlight! Click here for details.

Developers! If you are registered as a creator, use the catalog “Try-It� feature to put on the desired outfit, then click on "+MCG Skin" button in the 3D Shop window (see picture below). The "+MCG Mood" button allows you to also check under the clothing item. This is a free creator testing feature provided by IMVU.

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Flagging Trademarks, Copyrights, and Rating Violations:
  • IMVU provides the link "Flag as Inappropriate" on every product page so you can report rating violations and non-working products. (See next item for handling trademark/copyright problems.) When you click on the link, you will see a screen including the name of the product, its icon image, and the developer name.

    Fill out the specifics of the violation, select the Flag Type and then type in the letters from the Security check into the white text box beside it.

  • Trademarks and copyrights must be reported to the trademark or copyright owner or their attorney of record. Ask them to file a DMCA claim with IMVU. This link explains how: Click here.

  • In the United States, all newly created music and art is automatically copyrighted upon creation. The artist does not have to take additional action to register a copyright. Eventually ALL copyrights expire, usually 70 to 120 years. (Therefore images of many famous old paintings are in the public domain and free for commercial use.) An artist can give permission for others to use their recent works or give them freely to the public for commercial use, but that must be in writing to be legally acceptable. For a good chart on copyright expiration dates, Click here.

  • To learn about Ratings, including General Audience (GA), Adult Pass (AP), and Mature, click here.

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AnakaTarren's Peer Review
Survival Guide

Peer Review is a new feature that allows adult IMVU users to check the ratings of catalog items. As of 5/24/08, all new items are reviewed for ratings accuracy. Since IMVU provides only very limited guidance, the Peer Review Survival Guide was created to provide Peer Review help, answers, and tips for common problems.

Click here for IMVU's Basic Intro to Peer Review.

Click here to open AnakaTarren's Peer Review Survival Guide (updated 7/4/10).

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Frame Your Own Photos and Images!
Add Your Own Images to Your IMVU Room!

Become an IMVU creator and put your own pictures in my frames!

Click here to learn more about being a creator.

Click here to see IMVU's tutorial to create furniture.

Then "Derive" from one of my picture frames to use in your IMVU room or to sell! Framing pictures is one of the easiest creations on IMVU!

Check out my newest Derivable Frames with WALL nodes. Includes museum-style frame textures, and you can set your derivations to derivable to make more credits!

EASY 3x2 Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x342, 600x400, etc.)
EZ 3x2 Black-Brown Museum Frame EZ 3x2 TALL Black-Brown Museum Frame EZ 3x2 Ornate Gold Frame EZ NARROW 3x2 Brown-Black Museum Frame

EZ NARROW 3x2 Gold, Mahogany, Antique Frame

More 3x2 Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x342, 600x400, etc.)
3x2 Black-Brown Museum Frame (with raised 3D ridge on front side) TALL 3x2 Black-Brown Museum Frame (with raised 3D ridge on front side) 3x2 Mahogany Twirl and Gold Frame (with raised 3D ridge under twirl) TALL 3x2 Mahogany Twirl and Gold Frame (with raised 3D ridge under twirl) 3x2 Oak Developer Frame (with raised ridge on frame front) 3x2 Antique Golden Frame (with raised 3D ridge on frame front)

4x3 Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x384, 400x300, etc.)
4x3 Black-Brown Museum Frame (with raised 3D ridge on front side) EZ TALL 4x3 Black-Brown Museum Frame

2x1 Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x256, 1024x512, etc.)
EZ 2x1 (wide) Black-Brown Museum Frame EZ TALL 2x1 Gold Frame

Square Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x512, etc.)
4-Side Editable, Square, Oak Frame (developer control of all frame sides) Square, Narrow Sides, Museum Brown-Black Frame

Round Frame Derivables (central image size - 512x256, 1024x512, etc.)
Round Gold Frame EZ Round Cherry Frame

FLOATING Frame Derivables (for placement against walls without wall nodes)
3x2 EZ FLOATING Frame (for walls without nodes; uses floor node) 3x2 EZ FLOATING TALL Frame (for walls without nodes; uses floor node) Round, EZ, Floating, Gold Frame (for walls without nodes; uses floor node)

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Private Messaging in Forums --
Send long messages, pictures, and links!

You can send long messages with embedded pictures and live links using IMVU’s Forum Private Message (PM) system! It has a few bugs (hey, this is IMVU!), but is very handy.

How to Find the IMVU Forum PM Feature
  • For Direct Access, use and bookmark this link: http://www.imvu.com/catalog/modules.php?op=modload&name=phpbb2&file=privmsg.php&folder=inbox. This is the fastest method.

  • Or you can find this feature by going to the Forums:
    • Click on the “Communityâ€? tab and choose “Forums.â€?
    • Near the bottom right corner of that web page, click on the link to “X Unread Messagesâ€? where “Xâ€? is the number of unread messages you currently have. This opens your Forum Private Messaging feature.
How to Use PMs
  • Click the “New Postâ€? button to write a new message. You can type in the name of the avatar you are sending a message to, or select the name using the provided button.

  • Add a “Subjectâ€? line. This is a required field.

  • Apply formatting by highlighting a selection of typed text and then pressing one of the buttons over the message box. You can learn test and practice these formatting commands by sending messages to yourself.

  • Use the “Previewâ€? function to review and edit your message before sending.

  • Use the “Submitâ€? button to send the message when complete. This will send your private message to the other avatars’ forum PM box.

  • Change between the incoming and outgoing messages using the “Inboxâ€? and “Outboxâ€? buttons.

  • There is limited space in the Inbox and Sentbox, so this probably isn’t a good substitute for regular email if you are sending a lot of messages.

  • You can change the settings for notification of new Forum PMs by clicking on “Accountâ€? or “Account Settingsâ€? at the top right of most IMVU web pages. Go to the “forum preferencesâ€? section (near the bottom of the page), answer the questions about Private Messages as desired, and then click “Update Preferencesâ€? at the bottom of that section.

  • You can also send PMs to users who post in forum threads by clicking on the small “PMâ€? button at the bottom of each of their posts. HANDY HINT: If the reply message requires a title, you are in private messages.
Practice creating messages and using the edit features by sending a PM to yourself. It’s a handy tool so you won’t be stuck with short homepage messages!

Known PM Bugs
  • Sometimes the Sent messages aren’t saved in your Sent box, so if you need a record of it, copy and paste the message somewhere else before you send it. As far as I can tell, the messages are still sent properly even if not saved.

  • The “listâ€? and “list=â€? edit functions don’t work at the time of this writing. They were nice for formatting indented outlines of long text. I hope they fix that.

  • Until a few months ago, you could get to the PM system by using a link at the bottom of the main Forum page. A bug was introduced messing up the line of live links, so now you have to open a forum topic to get to PMs, or use the link supplied above.

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Test Furniture and Rooms before you buy!

Create a bookmark to open a 3D window to test furniture and rooms in 3D! The testing process is awkward and doesn't test everything, but it may help you save credits and make smarter buying decisions.

  • The instructions assume you are using Internet Explorer 8 as your web browser and are comfortable using/editing bookmarks and browser URLs. (Similar approaches may work with other browsers.)

  • Since technologies and user experience levels vary greatly, I cannot guarantee this process. But if you find errors in the instructions or have other suggestions, please let me know.

  • The Peer Review code and URL used in the testing bookmark may be disabled or modified by IMVU at anytime. (Note: You do not have to be signed up for Peer Review to use the limited function window created by the code below.)

To test furniture or room items,
  • Create a testing bookmark pointing to the URL
    The bookmark will test only the item that has the product number at the end of the code line above (in this example, 1229063).
  • To test a different item, edit/save the test bookmark URL, replacing the product number at the end with the number of the item to be tested. Click on the modified bookmark to test the new item in 3D.
  • Be sure to read below for limitations of this test method!
  • More detailed instructions are provided below to create a bookmark and to locate an item's product number.
Detailed Instructions to Create a Bookmark to Test Furniture or Rooms

1. Create a bookmark to test one furniture or room item:
    a. Go to any webpage in your web browser, click on “Favorites,� and then click on “Add to Favorites� (or “Add to Favorites Bar�).

    b. In the “Name:� textbox, copy/paste or type in:
    Test IMVU furniture and rooms (replace pid in Properties)
    You can type in any title you want, but I recommend including the words in parentheses as part of the Name for reasons explained below.

    c. Ignore the “Create In:� selection on the pop-up box (unless you wish to store the bookmark in a location other than the top Favorites folder).

    d. Click “Add.�

    e. Find the new bookmark in your Favorites list (it’s probably at the bottom of the list), right-click on the bookmark name, and then select Properties. A Properties pop-up window will be displayed and show the “Web document� tab settings.

    f. Copy or type the following code into the “URL:� textbox:

    g. Click “Apply.�

    h. Click “OK.� This will close the bookmark Properties window.

    i. You should now have a Favorites bookmark to test a furniture item ... in this example, a Chocolate Cake (click here to see the catalog page).

2. Try out the testing bookmark
    a. Click on the newly created test bookmark in your Favorites list. If you are already logged into the IMVU 3D client, a Peer Review tab will open, the tested item will download (sometimes this takes several seconds), and you can test the furniture item or room (in this example, the cake).
    • If the IMVU 3D client is closed, you will be asked to log in before the Peer Review tab appears.
    • If the IMVU 3D client still doesn’t appear, check to see if it is already open but minimized.

    b. Scan around the item in the 3D window to see if you like it. You can also try out many special features the item has, such as unique trigger words and some (not all) pose spots.

    c. IMPORTANT: This bookmark may not work with certain types of items or may not be able to test all of an item's features. This does not necessarily mean there is a problem with the tested item!!! Read the Limitations and Oddities below for more information.

3. Edit the bookmark to test different furniture or another room
    a. Find another catalog item for testing and locate its product number (also called the “pid� or products_id).

    • You can find the product number by looking on an item's catalog page at the end of the web address shown at the top of your browser window. The web address looks like this
      where xxxxxx (the number at the end) is the product number.

    • For example, look at the room Alps Equestrian Manor (click here to see the catalog page). Its product number is 352928.

    b. Look at your Favorites list, right-click on the testing bookmark created in step 1, select Properties.

    c. In the Properties pop-up box, replace the old product number with the product number for the new item you want to test. (Do not change or delete any of the code in front of the “=�sign!) For example, using the products mentioned above, you would change the URL

    d. Click “Apply.�

    e. Click “Ok� which saves the change and closes the pop-up box.

    f. Then click on the revised bookmark in your Favorites list. The product for the new item should load into the Peer Review window.

    g. Follow steps 3.a through 3.f for each item you wish to test. I leave the comment in parentheses in the title of my testing bookmark (see step 1.b) as a reminder.
4. LIMITATIONS and ODDITIES of the testing function
    a. A default avatar in an ugly outfit is automatically displayed when testing furniture and rooms in a Peer Review window. You haven’t lost your good looking avatar or outfits!

    b. Stickers and a few other types of items cannot be tested with this bookmark.

    c. Bundled items (click here for an example) cannot be tested simultaneously. However, you can test individual items in a bundle by clicking on each item icon on the bundle page, going to its separate catalog page to obtain its unique product number. (Other ways to find product numbers are also available but omitted here for simplicity.)

    d. Furniture commands (move, rotate, scale, etc.) do not work in the 3D window created by a test bookmark. So if a picture frame or other item is stuck on the floor when you test the item, don’t worry. The furniture commands will work on all applicable items when they are purchased and loaded into a regular room.

    e. Only one person can test an item at a time, so you cannot fully test two-person or group animations, if that feature is in the item.

    f. The initial avatar position in Peer Review loads with its feet far above floor level. This sometimes makes it appear that “floating� items (such as drinks or food designed to sit on separately purchased tables) are too low even though the problem is actually an incorrect avatar position.

    g. To test clothing, use the Try-It function in the catalog. Clothing can be tested with the bookmark, but its more effort for less testing ability.

    h. Other testing limitations probably also exist. (I might add them later as discovered.)

    i. The Peer Review function belongs to IMVU which has the right to modify or disable the testing URL at any time.

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    Copyright 2006 - 2013, AnakaTarren.
    Contact for more information.
    IMVU is a trademarked name owned by IMVU, Inc., Palo Alto, California USA.

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