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Ria Mendel/May 2nd/ Sporty/ Energetic/ Sporty/ Asian
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I'm Arisa[Ria] Mendel
18 years old New Adult still living her life hopelessly
I am Asian; Half Philipino and Half Japanese
I'm not Perfect At all But I Accept it
I'm Single
I'm Straight
Note to Self: I look nothing like my Avi, No one does, Admit it
I like to write stories and Draw
I'm Sweet but i have my Perks
I'm a bitch when I am Moody
I'm Straight forward on my own opinions
I'm Barely Confident in myself.. Then again Maybe that is why I'm Not cocky
I don't Care what people think of me anymore
I hate Compliments... If you do.. Il just say thats Digusting
I don't take Bullshit from everyone, although I don't hold Grudges
I Love My friends, I cheerish Them with my life
I'l Be happy To talk to you
-My bestfriend is name "Ethan"
Do shit as you wish.. I'm Not involver
My Wish List

What to buy me if you want:
1. Credits As much as You please to give me
2. Something From Wishlist
3. Name Tokens
Pikachu[c] Lonely Lunar TreeTP First Room[Sig] HIPSTER Furnished| Breonna Steam
-Z-{Hc}SunsetTwinkle Rep! Sandy Blouse0B. Oh Mickey...† vntg dress /dots$ 14 to go | Layerable
w| rosemaryspacerspacerspacerspacer

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