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Avatar since: 12/23/07

Age: 32
United States - CA
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lets get it(:
Relationship Status: Single
aayye strangers(:
my name is yoki
i live in japan, and speak fluent Japanese
yes im Japanese duhh!
chances are if im online im usually bored so strike up a conversation?
watashi shimei yoki!!!!:DD watakushi raivu uchini, hitachi-japan:DD koigokoro katari yappari, tame mi-to arata minshuu, soshite douyou akaaka arata mentsu:DDD dakara tsukai touhou.
Special Someone
i love you..i miss you....comeback to me? i know its been a while and thinking about distance makes me want to cry, ive changed a bit but what hasnt changed but advanced are my feelings for you.
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