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Zarejestrowany od: 2006-11-16
Age: 36
United States - AZ
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"Time to play - always room for one more"

See My Albums (1)

I'm a pretty quiet person around unfamiliar people or in unfamiliar situations. I dont adapt well to new faces, places, of settings. hopefully that changes some day. i like friends =P. I'm very relaxed in just about all situations. I've never been the impulsive or energetic type. I spend way to much time playing video games when I'm not working or schooling. But i'm not ashamed =P i'll always be playing games right up to my 60's unless my thumbs go bad before that. I've always had the desire to be creative (not in designing games. that sounds boring). i like to write, sing (in non-church choirs only), and when i could, play music. the trouble is i dont give my creative side the time it needs to practice, explore, and develop. it's something i've always wanted to do but continued to lose my present attention to games when i do get time away from work and school. i do get to write occationally with a very good friend of mine from the other side of the country. the current project is to turn our scribblings into something publishable and interesting to the public and see how well it does.

ok.. me aside, let me speak to the sex's seperately. guys. i got bad news for you. i've lived my childhood with girls. all through elementry, jr. high, high school, and college, every one that has ever gotten near my to this day has been female. Only god knows why. Funny how its still true even after he stuck me with a brother... i dont like my distance to guys. it makes me feel wierd. but that speck on the back of my noggin is turning me around from you and to someone else. you guys are going to have to try really hard to get my genuine attention and develope a friendship. i'm sorry guys, but that's the way i am. Girls. never in my life have i brought myself to despise or dislike any female in my entire life. you. rock. out. loud. every one of you. i thank god every day for sticken you with us smelly hairy guys, cause if he hadn't, i'd be one lonely bump on a log. i'm protective of my close friends and i do whatever i can to watch over every single one of them. so... if you're a girl and you like videogames, writing, and/or roleplaying... or if you just want a friend to talk to and listen... SPEAK UP!! i'd love to meet you. ^^ absolutely love to (extra note about myself, i'm known among my small group of friends as a listener and give what advice when asked so... -both thumbs up- woot!)
well that's me. if you want to know more, you'll have to send me a message. either here or email/ messanger at choice)

(last note. 'yiff and yiffing' are in my interest box for a reason. i wont say more than that)

~RP Character sheet~



Arctic Fox Demon/Angel

Gaurdian of Mother Earth and her servents, the Dragons

-Skills and Weapons-
Unarmed Combat - Self taught

Longsword Combat - Self taught and trained among others

Perfect senses of sound, smell, and sight, Dominion over Earth, Wind, Fire, and Water - Gift from Lady Nature

Flight, a Healing touch, Control over the flow of Light, improved water and wind abilities and a blessing to detect living and nonliving secrets - Gift from Heaven

Curses, Mind controlling and reading abilities, Body shifting abilities, Control over the flow of Darkness, improved earth and fire abilities and a dark blessing to detect personal threats and dangers - Gift from Hell

I am a warrior, a guardian, a protector. A pasted servant of Heaven and Hell. Now a servant of the Earth. I have seen the light and the darkness in all things, the good and the evil. For centuries I fought along side majestic comrades, the great and powerful dragons to maintain the laws our lady nature has set in place. Man does not understand and many do not follow these laws. They do not know her ways. The weak are chased and eaten, the strong eat and survive, feasting on the weakness of lower living things. We fight the consequences of their actions for the greater good of the earth. But.. the great dragons dwindled in numbers.. and they have vanished from the face of the earth. for now.. maybe for many years, nature is without an army. Being the only solider to my knowledge that yet follows her, I roam the forests, the deserts, the tundras, and the jungles carrying out my ladies orders.

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Relationship Status: Single
Looking For: Other

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