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About me

Hello! My name is Kim, do you care? Maybe. If your reading this you must…

I was named for an awesome guy, yup a guy, man, male, BOY. Intensely sexy I know.

I’m 17, this can and will change. Every day I get a day older and every year I get a year older.

This is me



Yup I’m sexy I know :P

I’m a bitch, except I’m not, ya dig? I love to care but sometimes I just won’t. If you want to get to know, me talk to me, if you don’t, then don’t. I hate to hate but I’ll do it anyway.

I get upset at stupid people, even though I’m stupid often.

I love my friends, screw with them, I’ll make you cry.

I dislike immaturity half the time, the other half I’m acting like a five-year-old.

I can be hard to figure out even though I’m pretty sure I’m simple.

I may sound like an ass, but really I’m not. I’m just straight forward. If I don’t like you you’ll know, but sometimes I do like you even if it doesn’t seem like it.

I like most people, and unless I’m in a horrid mood I will give you a chance to be my friend, because well I hate when people don’t like me. But just because I don’t like being disliked doesn’t mean I won’t beat your ass into the ground (with words of course) if need be.

I try to speak properly but sometimes I’ll just say screw it and talk like a texting machine. It still annoys me when people use number instead of letters…It is difficult to read and understand, so please don’t do it. Yes I mean talking L1k3 d1s. It sucks…no one likes it, so don’t do it please?

I kinda really don’t know what to say…but I’ll say it anyway. Half the time I don’t know, so don’t ask. Just smile and pretend you understand, aye? Not too hard.

Well if you sat through reading this, congrats, you’re strange for bothering, but I love strange people. Leave me a message, if you feel like it. Have a great day!

Relationship Status: Married to Your Girlfriend

Orientation: Love

Looking For: Hugs

Mood: Hyper

Age: 17

Likes: Life, Photography, Throwing food, Reading, Soccer, Colorful things, Horses, Wolves, Worms, Spiders, Being happy, Making others smile, Hugs, Cold weather, Dancing around like I’m having a seizure, Fire, Knives, Water, Smilie faces:]

Dislikes: Unhappiness, People who do things to be “cool”, Drugs (hugs not drugs), Smoking, Mushrooms, Liver, Jackasses against gay marriage, Hunger, Loneliness, Lies

Oh yeah I support Furries, I mean they are cute and cuddly how can you not love them!?

Don't hate, APPRECIATE!

Feel free to listen or turn it off if you don’t like it :D

Awesome people

The people that keep me sane(ish) and drive me insane

Chels / Kitty

- My lesbian lover, she has been trying to make me lesbian since I met her, and she is just amazing. If you need to vent about people or squee about cute boys, she is a pretty good listener

Bri / Riri

- Oh what to say what to say...I dunno she is just amazing, she is really fun to be around and it is rally funny to hear her bitch people out, she is one of those awesome girls who will stand by you and defend you no matter what

Mel / Melly

- Ohhh Mel...she is like a mommy, she is super duper adorable, I don't think anyone should be able to resist her loving lovely-ness


- Oh gosh, she is really fun to be around, I could be crying and just being around her energy and adorable hyper-activeness puts a smile on my face


- Hm...welp, she is an ahhhhmazing artist, go looooooook, she is iiCannibal on deviantart, gogogogo, ahem after I tell you about what a sweetheart she is, her writing is pretty darn awesome too, although she deleted the story I really liked >:O anywayyyy...super amazing girl right here


- Well she's my daughter (on here) and for forever she would always ask if she had a dad yet...it was extremely funny and I think she just finally gave up...or forgot that I was capable of liking guys...dunno which. Anyway she is really cute and fun to talk to, and I met her brother muhahaha :D


- Well it's really quite sad actually...she left, she was having some personal issues so she moved and gave her account to a friend of hers (who is really nice) but I'm not able to talk to her anymore...but she still definitely changed my life with the way she was always willing to listen to me rant, and cry. Even when I went off about a cute boy or became really insecure. I miss talking to her a lot, I could tell her anything.


- *gigglesnort* I love this girl, she is always making sexual jokes and I'm always having to fight other fiends for my right to her, her boyfriend, he is going down, she is mine :3


- Oh my tranny girl...she likes to change genders a lot, she has sort of a split personality and I love to hang out with all of them. Oh yeah she is definitely a heart breaker


- Ahh how I miss our late night group talks, she is really fun to talk to also, wow I sense a pattern...my friends are fun....huh, anyway I can tell her anything. She will listen and help and rant back when necessary and make me feel like my feelings aren't quite so insecure and stupid. This girl I can connect with, no matter how far away we live all females need a bud to PMS at.


- Gosh he is a little smarty pants, super duper fun to tease, he's my asian boy. He is there for you when you need him, to give advice, cheer you up, and tell you when you are being a stupid sensitive asshole and need to shape-up. He also gets really defensive if you accuse him of being gay, teehee


- Ah Ali, she is a funny bunny, I really need to talk to her more again but she is really fun and random...and kind of a spazz


- Ahh innocent Sam, he used to be so innocent...his friends turned him into a pervert, but as much as I miss lil old innocent Sam I could tease and he probably wouldn't get it, I still love talking to the person he is now, he also still sucks at comebacks, so fun to tease him


- Another part of our deceased group chats, he is really fun and open, even though he can sorta be a jackass sometimes, you have to love his little stupid outburst of idiocy because it's pretty obvious he doesn't mean it...at least if you know him


- Goodness I almost forgot Dani, how could I!? She is super amazing, super sweet, super caring, super cute, darling. She is kind of like a mother, but not in the evil irritating way but in the way that makes it obvious she cares, no matter what. If you go to her sad she will not quit until you have a huge smile on your face, sometimes she doesn't even realize how much her comforting loving words help out.

I’ve prolly forgotten someone, but if you belong on this list you already know anyway

“You begin saving the world by saving one person at a time; all else is grandiose romanticism or politics.” - Charles Bukowski

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